{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "OceanSide_marsh_features", "guid": "8CB351F1-5EAA-4822-AFD0-97DEFBE94409", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The digitized shorelines were used to observe and analyze the rates and patterns of shoreline and marsh feature changes along the ocean coast of the Eastern Shore.", "description": "The 1949 shoreline was digitized from historic aerial photography that were orthorectified in ERDAS by the Shoreline Studies Program and the 2017 shoreline was digitized from the Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP) orthophotography for Chesapeake Bay region in Virginia. The 2017 digital orthophotography was acquired and processed by VBMP.\n\nUsing methodology reported in Morton et al. (2004) and National Spatial Data Infrastructure (1998), estimates of error in rectification, control source, DEM and digitizing were combined to provide an estimate of total maximum shoreline position error. These data sets have an estimated total maximum shoreline position error of 20.0 ft, while the total maximum shoreline error for the three existing datasets are estimated at 18.3 ft for USGS and 10.2 ft for VBMP.\nAny inaccuracies are due to any misalignment from poor photo quality, physical condition of each aerial photograph used, tree cover on banks, time of tide when the photos were taken, and errors in positional accuracy.\n", "summary": "The digitized shorelines were used to observe and analyze the rates and patterns of shoreline and marsh feature changes along the ocean coast of the Eastern Shore.", "title": "OceanSide_marsh_features", "tags": [ "Shorelines", "marsh", "ocean side", "Accomack", "Northampton" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -75.9947786966961, 37.0817464938381 ], [ -75.2392143773622, 38.0271227798925 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_18N", "accessInformation": "Shoreline Studies Program at Virginia Institute of Marine Science", "licenseInfo": "These data are for research, planning, viewing and management purposes only and should not be used for design purposes or legal matters. Virginia Institute of Marine Science Shoreline Studies Program is not responsible for inaccuracies, precision, metadata completeness or correctness of digital information. Shoreline Studies Program is not responsible for the misuse of this data nor does Shoreline Studies Program oversee or assume responsibility for alterations to any of our products. The act of distribution shall not constitute any warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by any party involved in the use of these data or related materials.If you plan on linking to this page, please contact milligan@vims.edu. " }