Table 6. Number of Hectares of SAV in 1995 and 1996 for the CBP Segments and the Zones of Chesapeake Bay and for the Coastal Bays.

Upper Zone
CB1Northern Chesapeake Bay2,025.042,066.43
CB2Upper Chesapeake Bay81.28105.25
CB3Upper Central Chesapeake Bay346.27367.73
WT1Bush River0.0039.04
WT2Gunpowder River68.25371.85
WT3Middle River4.7631.16
WT4Back River0.000.00
WT5Patapsco River0.002.30
WT6Magothy River31.6737.15
ET1Northeast River6.865.30
ET2Elk and Bohemia Rivers136.4856.30
ET3Sassafras River179.77100.31
ET4Chester River443.83310.97

Zone Total:3,324.213,493.78
Middle Zone
CB4Middle Central Chesapeake Bay0.000.00
CB5Lower Central Chesapeake Bay3,074.193,197.76
WT7Severn River50.97110.26
WT8South, Rhode, and West Rivers1.838.71
TF1Upper Patuxent River75.1399.95
RET1Middle Patuxent River0.000.00
LE1Lower Patuxent River0.000.00
TF2Upper Potomac River643.61742.69
RET2Middle Potomac River1,077.511,094.76
LE2Lower Potomac River185.21344.31
ET5Choptank River0.000.00
ET6Nanticoke River0.000.00
ET7Wicomico River0.000.00
ET8Manokin River93.378.04
ET9Big Annemessex River179.7687.90
ET10Pocomoke River0.000.00
EE1Eastern Bay1,347.051,488.77
EE2Lower Choptank River1,498.082,687.82
EE3Tangier Sound4,049.723,505.24

Zone Total:12,276.4213,376.22
Lower Zone
CB6Western Lower Chesapeake Bay509.10477.95
CB7Eastern Lower Chesapeake Bay3,321.333,573.54
CB8Mouth of the Chesapeake Bay17.0034.66
TF3Upper Rappahannock River0.000.00
RET3Middle Rappahannock River0.000.00
LE3Lower Rappahannock River96.79108.05
TF4Upper York River0.000.00
RET4Middle York River0.000.00
LE4Lower York River82.7985.62
WE4Mobjack Bay4,608.554,524.20
TF5Upper James River0.000.00
RET5Middle James River0.000.00
LE5Lower James River15.4018.81

Zone Total:8,650.948,822.82

Total for Chesapeake Bay:24,251.5725,692.83

Total for the Coastal Bays:3,758.294,558.56

VIMS SAV Mapping Lab
Last modified 09/15/97.
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