Table 6. Number of Hectares of SAV in 1996 and 1997 for the CBP Segments and the Zones of Chesapeake Bay and for the Delmarva Peninsula Coastal Bays.

Upper Zone
CB1TFNorthern Chesapeake Bay2,146.772,489.99
NORTFNortheast River5.304.98
ELKOHElk River43.7267.44
BOHOHBohemia River12.5815.09
C&DOHChesapeake & Delaware Canal0.000.00
CB2OHUpper Chesapeake Bay27.58110.19
SASOHSassafras River100.32110.78
BSHOHBush River39.0434.95
GUNOHGunpowder River371.86637.36
MIDOHMiddle River31.16117.37
BACOHBack River0.000.00
CB3MHUpper Central Chesapeake Bay364.51370.83
PATMHPatapsco River2.301.93
MAGMHMagothy River37.1553.48
CHSMHLower Chester River311.80424.81
CHSOHMiddle Chester River0.000.00
CHSTFUpper Chester River0.000.00

Zone Total:3,494.104,439.21
Middle Zone
CB4MHMiddle Central Chesapeake Bay0.0020.28
EASMHEastern Bay1,488.511,848.32
CHOMH1Mouth of the Choptank River2,343.652,792.59
CHOMH2Lower Choptank River0.001.76
CHOOHMiddle Choptank River0.000.00
CHOTFUpper Choptank River0.000.00
LCHMHLittle Choptank River344.20529.39
SEVMHSevern River110.26123.87
SOUMHSouth River8.7116.35
RHDMHRhode River0.000.00
WSTMHWest River0.000.00
CB5MHLower Central Chesapeake Bay710.86736.07
HNGMHHonga River623.00890.51
FSBMHFishing Bay0.000.00
NANMHLower Nanticoke River0.000.00
NANOHMiddle Nanticoke River0.000.00
NANTFUpper Nanticoke River0.000.00
WICMHWicomico River0.000.00
TANMHTangier Sound4,461.733,825.57
MANMHManokin River8.0456.44
BIGMHBig Annemessex River87.91143.25
POCMHLower Pocomoke River652.09529.84
POCOHMiddle Pocomoke River0.000.00
POCTFUpper Pocomoke River0.000.00
PAXMHLower Patuxent River0.001.02
PAXOHMiddle Patuxent River36.0240.08
PAXTFUpper Patuxent River63.9353.16
WBRTFWestern Branch of the Patuxent River0.000.00
POTMHLower Potomac River402.40666.84
POTOHMiddle Potomac River1,036.651,206.26
POTTFUpper Potomac River647.72554.11
MATTFMattawoman Creek44.0850.28
PISTFPiscataway Creek50.89123.25

Zone Total:13,120.6514,209.23
Lower Zone
CB6PHWestern Lower Chesapeake Bay396.20361.84
CB7PHEastern Lower Chesapeake Bay3,831.473,937.20
RPPMHLower Rappahannock River25.6414.70
RPPOHMiddle Rappahannock River0.000.00
RPPTFUpper Rappahannock River0.000.00
CRRMHCorrotoman River22.0915.29
PIAMHPiankatank River142.26175.01
MOBPHMobjack Bay4,302.834,442.49
YRKPHLower York River306.87339.50
YRKMHMiddle York River0.000.00
MPNOHLower Mattaponi River0.000.00
MPNTFUpper Mattaponi River0.000.00
PMKOHLower Pamunkey River0.000.00
PMKTFUpper Pamunkey River0.000.00
CB8PHMouth of the Chesapeake Bay4.404.37
LYNPHLynnhaven & Back Bays30.2616.14
JMSPHMouth of the James River18.8175.74
ELIPHLower Elizabeth River0.000.00
LAFMHLafayette River0.000.00
ELIMHMiddle Elizabeth River0.000.00
WBEMHWestern Branch of the Elizabeth River0.000.00
SBEMHSouth Branch of the Elizabeth River0.000.00
EBEMHEastern Branch of the Elizabeth River0.000.00
JMSMHLower James River0.001.05
JMSOHMiddle James River0.000.00
CHKOHChickahominy River0.000.00
JMSTFUpper James River0.000.00
APPTFAppomattox River0.000.00

Zone Total:9,080.829,383.31

Total for Chesapeake Bay:25,695.5728,031.75

Total for the Coastal Bays:4,556.095,598.37

VIMS SAV Mapping Lab
Last modified 06/16/99.
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