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Chesapeake Bay and Delmarva Coastal Bays SAV Bibliography

Papers, Reports, and books in this section relate to work done on Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays. Papers are assigned to one or more of six broad categories:

  1. Distribution, Abundance, and Production
  2. Reproductive Biology, Systematics, and Molecular Genetics
  3. Environmental Interaction, Processes, and Modeling
  4. Animal Interactions
  5. Restoration and Management
  6. Coastal Bays (Maryland and Virginia)
  7. Reference Books Related to SAV Monitoring

Papers are listed in reverse chronological order.



1. Distribution, Abundance, and Production

Published Papers and Reports


Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region Lefcheck J. S., R. J. Orth, W. C. Dennison, D. J. Wilcox, R. R. Murphy, J. Keisman, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. B. Landry, K.A. Moore, C.J. Patrick, J.Testa, D. E. Weller, R. A. Batiuk. 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (14) 3658-3662; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1715798115


Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Sentinel Species in a Changing World. Orth, R. J., W. C. Dennison, J. S. Lefcheck, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. Keisman, J. B. Landry, K. A. Moore, R. R. Murphy, C. J. Patrick, J. Testa, D. E. Weller, and D. J. Wilcox. 2017. BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 8, August 2017, Pages 698–712,


Interannual variation in submerged aquatic vegetation and its relationship to water quality in subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay. C. J. Patrick and D.E. Weller. 2015. Marine Ecology Progress Series 537:121-135.


2012 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. 2013. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. Nagey, A. K. Kenne, and E. R. Smith. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 155. Final Report to EPA Grant No. CB96314501-0,


2011 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. 2012. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. Nagey, A. L. Owens, and A. K. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 154. Final Report to EPA Grant No. CB96305201-0,

Influences of salinity and light availability on abundance and distribution of tidal freshwater and oligohaline submersed aquatic vegetation. Shields, E. C., K. A. Moore, and D. B. Parrish. 2012. Estuaries and Coasts 35: 515-526. DOI 10.1007/s12237-011-9460-0.

Sediment accumulation rates and submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) distributions in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay, USA. Palinkas, C. M. and E. W. Koch. 2012. Estuaries and Coasts 35: 1416-1431. DOI 10.1007s12237-012-9542-7.


2010 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. 2011. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. Nagey, A. L. Owens, and A. K. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 153. Final Report to EPA. Grant No. CB97392801-0,

Spatial patterns in water quality associated with submersed plant beds. Gruber, R. K., D. C. Hinkle, and W. M. Kemp. 2011. Estuaries and Coasts 34: 961-972. DOI 10.1007/s12237-010-9368-0.

Extinction risk assessment of the world's seagrass species. Short, F. T., B. Polidoro, S. R. Livingstone, K. E. Carpenter, S. Banderia, J. S. Bujang, H. P. Calumpong, T. J. B. Carruthers, R. G. Coles, W. C. Dennison, P. L A. Erftemeijer, M. D. Fortes, A. S. Freeman, T. G. Jagtap, A. H. M. Kamal, G. A. Kendrick, W. J. Kenworthy, Y. A. LaNafle, I. M. Nasution, R. J. Orth, A. Prathep, J. C. Sanciangco, B. van Tussenbroek, S. G. Vergara, M. Waycott, and J. C. Zieman. 2011. Biological Conservation 144: 1961-1971.


Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Chesapeake Bay Region of Mid-Atlantic Coast of the USA: Challenges in Conservation and Restoration. Orth, R. J., S. R. Marion, K. A. Moore, and D. J. Wilcox. 2010. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 139-150.

Long-term reductions in anthropogenic nutrients link to improvements in Chesapeake Bay habitat. Ruhl, H. A. and N. B. Rybicki. 2010. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences.

2009 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. 2010. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, and A. K. Keene. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 152. Final Report to EPA. Grant No. CB97377401-0,

Long-Term trends of water quality and biotic metrics in Chesapeake Bay: 1986-2008. Williams, M. R., S. B. Filoso, B. J. Longstaff, and W. C. Dennison. 2010. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 1279-1299.


Submerged aquatic vegetation of the York River. Moore, K. A. 2009. Journal of Coastal Research 57: 50-58.

2008 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays. 2009. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. S. Nagey, A. Owens, and A. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 149. Final Report to EPA. Grant No. CB973636-01-0,

Introduction to the Chesapeake Bay national estuarine research reserve in Virginia. Reay, W. G. and K. A. Moore. 2009. Journal of Coastal Research 57: 1-9.

Accelerating loss of seagrasses across the globe threaten coastal ecosystems. Waycott, M. C., M. Duarte, T. J. B. Carruthers, R. J. Orth, W. C. Dennison, S. Olyarnik, A. Calladine, J. W. Fourqurean, K. L. Heck, Jr., A. R. Hughes, G. A. Kendrick, W. J. Kenworthy, F. T. Short, and S. L. Williams. 2009. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 106: 12377-12381.

Effects of sediment organic content and hydrodynamic conditions on the growth and distribution of Zostera marina. Wicks, C. E., E. W. Koch, J. M. O'Neil, and K. Elliston. 2009. Marine Ecology Progress Series 378: 71-80.


2007 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays. 2008. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. S. Nagey, A. Owens, and A. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 151. Final Report to EPA. Grant No. CB973219-02-0, (


Wind-driven sediment suspension controls light availability in a shallow coastal lagoon. Lawson, S., P. L. Wiberg, and K. J. McGlathery. 2007. Estuaries and Coasts 30: 102-112.

Effects of watershed and estuarine on the abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay Sub Estuaries. La, X., D. E. Weller, C. L. Gallegos, T. E. Jordan, and H. C. Kim. 2007. Estuaries and Coasts 30: 840-854.

2006 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Kenne. 2007. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 150. Final Report to NOAA, Washington, D.C. Grant No. NA06NMF4570118.

The distribution of submersed aquatic vegetation in the fresh and oligohaline tidal Potomac River, 2004, U. S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007 1198. 2007. Rybicki, N. B., Yoon, S. H., Schenk, E. R., and Baldizar, J. B.



2005 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Kenne. 2006. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 147. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No. CB973219-01-0, 2006.

A global crisis for seagrass ecosystems. Orth, R. J., T. J. B. Carruthers, W. C. Dennison, C. M. Duarte, J. W. Fourqurean, K. L. Heck, Jr., A. R. Hughes, G. A. Kendrick, W. J. Kenworthy, S. Olyarnik, F. T. Short, M. Waycott, and S. L. Williams. 2006. Bioscience 56: 987-996.

Seagrass recovery in the Delmarva Coastal Bays, USA. Orth, R . J., M. L. Luckenbach, S. Marion, K. A. Moore, and D. J. Wilcox. 2006. Aquatic Botany 84: 26-36.

Seagrass Net monitoring across the Americas: case studies of seagrass decline. Short, F. T., E. W. Koch, J. C. Creed, K. Magalhaes, E. Fernandez, and J. L. Gaeckle. 2006. Marine Ecology 27: 277-289.


2004 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Kenne. 2005. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 146. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No. CB9973013-01-0, 2005.

Eutrophication of Chesapeake Bay: historical trends and ecological interactions. Kemp, W. M. plus 17 authors. 2005. Marine Ecology Progress Series 303: 1-29.


Historical Analysis of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Potomac river and Analysis of Bay-wide SAV Data to Establish a New Acreage Goal. Moore, K. A., D. J. Wilcox, B. Anderson, T. A. Parham, and M. D. Naylor, (2004). Final Report to US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program (CB983627-01), Annapolis MD.

2003 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Serio. 2004. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 144. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No. CB983807-01-0, 2004.


The seagrasses of the Mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. Koch, E. W. and R. J. Orth. 2003. In: E. P. Green and F. T. Short (eds.). World Atlas of Seagrasses. University of California Press, Berkley, California. 234-243.

Analysis of Historical Distribution of SAV in the Eastern Shore Coastal Basins and Mid-Bay Island Complexes as Evidence of Historical Water Quality Conditions and a Restored Bay Ecosystem. Moore, K. A., D. J. Wilcox, B. Anderson, and R. J. Orth. (2003a). Special Report No. 383 in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA.

Intensive water quality mapping of nearshore and Mid-Channel Regions of the James River relative to SAV growth and survival using the DATAFLOW surface water quality mapping system. Moore, K. A., Anderson, B., and Wilcox, D. (2003b). Special Report No. 385 in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering, Gloucester Point, VA.

2002 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Serio. 2003. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 139. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No.CB983649-01-0, 2003.

Submerged aquatic vegetation in the mesohaline region of the Patuxent Estuary: past, present, and future status. Stankelis, R. M., M. D. Naylor, and W. R. Boynton. 2003. Estuaries 26: 186-195.


Historic distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in Chesapeake Bay. Naylor, M. D. (2002). Scientific Report. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD.

2001 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Tillman, and J. R. Whiting. 2002. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 143. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No.CB993777-04-0, 2002.

Identification and management of fishing gear impacts in a recovering seagrass system in the coastal bays of the Delmarva peninsula, USA. Orth, R. J., J. R. Fishman, D. J. Wilcox, and K. A. Moore. 2002. Journal of Coastal Research SI (37): 111-129.


Analysis of historical distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the York and Rappahannock rivers as evidence of historical water quality. Moore, K. A., Wilcox, D. J., Anderson, B., and Orth, R. J. (2001). Special Report No. 375 in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering. VIMS. Gloucester Point, VA.

2000 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, J. R. Whiting, and J. R. Fishman. 2001. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 142. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No.CB993777-02-0,2001.


Sediment-based reconstruction of submersed aquatic vegetation distribution in the Severn River, a sub-estuary of Chesapeake Bay. Arnold, R. R., J. C. Cornwell, W. C. Dennison, and J. C. Stevenson. 2000. Journal of Coastal Research 16: 188-195.

Paleoecology of submerged macrophytes in the upper Chesapeake Bay. Brush, G. S. and W. B. Hilgartner. 2000. Ecological Monographs 70: 645-667.

Analysis of the abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation communities in the Chesapeake Bay. Moore, K. A., D. J. Wilcox, and R. J. Orth. 2000. Estuaries 23: 115-127.

1999 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, J. R. Whiting, and J. R. Fishman. 2000. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 141. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No.CB993777-02-0, 2000.

Modeling dynamic polygon objects in space and time: A new graph-based technique. Wilcox, D. J., M. C. Harwell, and R. J. Orth. 2000. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 27: 153-164.


Analysis of historical distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the James River. Moore, K. A., D. J. Wilcox, R. J. Orth, and E. Bailey. (1999). Special Report in App. Mar. Sci and Ocean Eng. No. 355. VIMS/College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and the coastal bays - 1998. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. 1999. Final Report U. S. EPA. 1999. 370 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1997. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. 1998. Final Report U. S. EPA. 1998. 351 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1996. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. 1997. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1997. 299 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1995. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. 1996. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1996. 293 pp.

Production of reproductive shoots, vegetative shoots, and seeds in populations of Ruppia maritima L. from the Chesapeake Bay. Silberhorn, Virginia., G. M., S. Dewing, and P. A. Mason. 1996. Wetlands 16: 232-239.


NOAA Coastal change analysis program (C-CAP): Guidance for regional implementation. Dobson, J. E., E. A. Bright, R. L. Ferguson, D. W. Field, L. L. Wood, K. D. Haddad, H. Iredale III, J. R. Jensen, V. V. Kelmas, R. J. Orth, and J. P. Thomas. 1995. NOAA Technical Report NMFS. 92 pp.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1994. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. 1995. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1995. 290 pp.

Revegetation and propagule transport in the tidal Potomac River. Rybicki, N. B. and V. Carter. 1995. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting Aquatic Plant Control Program, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 201-218.


Invasions and declines of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River and Estuary, the Currituck Sound-Back Bay system, and the Pamlico River Estuary. Carter, V. and N. B. Rybicki. 1994. Lake and Reservoir Management 10: 39-48.

Role of weather and water quality in population dynamics of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River. Carter, V., N. B. Rybicki, J. M. Landwehr, and M. Turtora.1994. Estuaries 17: 417-426.

Trends in the distribution, abundance, and habitat quality of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries: 1971-1991. Orth, R. J., R. Batiuk, and J. F. Nowak. 1994. Final Report U.S. EPA CBP/TRS 137/95. 231 pp.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1993. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, and J. R. Whiting.1994. Final Report U.S. EPA 262 pp.


Chesapeake Bay SAV Monitoring Program. Orth, R. J. In: L. J. Morris and D. A. Tomasko (eds.). Proceedings and conclusions of workshops on: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Initiative and Photosynthetically Active Radiation. Special Publication SJ93-SP13. Palatka, Florida: St. Johns River Water Management District. 1993. 41-45.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1992. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, and J. R. Whiting.1993. Final Report U.S. EPA. 268 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1991. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, K. P. Kiley, and J. R. Whiting. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1992. 260 pp.


Population dynamics of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River, 25th annual meeting, Aquatic Plant Control Research Program. Carter, V., N. B. Rybicki, and M. Turtora. 1991.U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Misc. Paper A-91-3, Proceedings. 41-53.

Distribution and abundance of waterfowl and submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay. Munro, R. E. and M. C. Perry.1991. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS 78/DX0391.

Monitoring seagrass distribution and abundance patterns. Orth, R. J., R. L. Ferguson, and K. D. Haddad. In: H. S. Bolton (ed.). Coastal Wetlands Coastal Zone '91 Conference-ASCE, Long Beach, CA. July, 1991. 281-300.


Field guide to the submerged aquatic vegetation of Chesapeake Bay. Hurley, L. M. 1990. United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Chesapeake Bay Estuary Program, Annapolis, Maryland.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1989. Orth, R. J. and J. F. Nowak. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1990. 249 pp.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1990. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, A. A. Frisch, K. P. Kiley, and J. R. Whiting. 1991. Final Report U.S. EPA. 260 pp.

Monitoring seagrass distribution and abundance patterns: A case study from the Chesapeake Bay. 1990. Orth, R. J., K. A. Moore, and J. F. Nowak. In: S. J. Kiraly, F. A. Cross, and J. D. Buffington (eds.).1990. Federal Coastal Wetland Mapping Programs. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biology Report 90 (18). 174 pp.

Data on the distribution and abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potomac River and transition zone of the Potomac Estuary, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, 1988. Rybicki, N. B. and M. R. Schening. 1990. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-123. 19 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1987. Orth, R. J., A. Frisch, J. F. Nowak, and K. A. Moore.1989. Final Report. U.S. E.P.A. 247 pp.


Distribution of Zostera marina L. and Ruppia maritima L.s.L. along depth gradients in the lower Chesapeake Bay, USA. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1988. Aquatic Botany 32: 291-305.

Data on the distribution and abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potomac River and transition zone of the Potomac Estuary, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, 1987. Rybicki, N. B., R. T. Anderson, and V. Carter. 1988. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-307. 31 pp.


Submerged and emergent aquatic vegetation of the Chesapeake Bay. Hershner, C. H. and R. L. Wetzel. In: S. K. Majumdar, L. W. Hall, Jr. and H. M. Austin (eds). Contaminant problems and management of living Chesapeake Bay resources, Pennsylvania Academy Science Typehouse of Easton, Phillipsburg, N.J. 1987. 116-133.

Grasses beneath the bay. Orth, R. J. 1987. Virginia Wildlife 48: 28-31.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1986. Orth, R. J., J. Simons, J. Capelli, V. Carter, A. Frisch, L. Hindman, S. Hodges, K. Moore, and N. Rybicki. Final Report. U.S. E.P.A. 1987. 191 pp.


Seasonal and year-to-year fluctuations in the growth of Zostera marina L. in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, USA. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore.1986. Aquatic Botany 24: 335-341.

Data on distribution and abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potomac River, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia,1985. Rybicki, N., R. T. Anderson, J. M. Shapiro, C. L. Jones, and V. Carter. 1986. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-126. 49 pp.


Distribution and abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potomac River and estuary, Maryland and Virginia, May 1978 to November 1981. Carter, V., J. E. Paschal, and N. Bartow. U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2234A. 1985. 46 pp.

Data on distribution and abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potomac River and transition zone of the Potomac River, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, 1983 and 1984. Carter, V., N. B. Rybicki, R. T. Anderson, T. J. Trombley, and G. L. Zynjuk. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-82. 1985. 61 pp.

Historical changes in submerged macrophytes communities of upper Chesapeake Bay. Davis, F. W. 1985. Ecology 66: 981-993.

Hydrilla verticillata in the tidal Potomac River, 1983 and 1984, In: 19th Annual Meeting, Aquatic Plant Control Research Program. Rybicki, N.B., V. Carter, R. T. Anderson, and T. J. Trombley. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Misc. Paper A-85-4, Proceedings. 1985. 170-174.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries - 1985. Orth, R. J., S. Simons, V. Carter, L. Hingman, S. Hodges, K. Moore, and N. Rybicki. 305 pp.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries - 1984. Orth, R. J., J. Simons, R. Allaire, V. Carter, L. Hindman, K. Moore and N. Rybicki. Final Report. U.S. E.P.A. 1985. 155 pp.

Hydrilla verticillata in the tidal Potomac River, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, 1983 and 1984. Rybicki, N. B., V. Carter, R. T. Anderson, and T. J. Trombley. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-77.1985. 26 pp.


Hydrilla Invades Washington, D.C. and the Potomac. Steward, K. K., T. K. Van, V. Carter, A. H. Pieterse, (1984), American Journal of Botany, 71: 162-163. doi:10.1002/j.1537-2197.1984.tb12498.x

Chesapeake Bay's underwater forests. Macalister, E. G. and R. J. Orth. 1984. Sea Frontiers 20: 115-121.

Distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: an historical perspective. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1984. Estuaries 7: 531-540.

Hydrilla invades Washington, D. C. and the Potomac. Steward, K. K., T. K. Van, V. Carter, and A. H. Pieterse. 1984. American Journal of Botany 71: 162-163.


Submersed aquatic plants of the tidal Potomac River. Carter, V., P. T. Gammon, and N. Bartow. 1983. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1543. 58 pp.

Distribution of submersed aquatic macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River. Haramis, G. M. and V. Carter. 1983. Aquatic Botany 15: 65-79.

Submersed vascular plants: Techniques for analyzing their distribution and abundance. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1983. Marine Technology Society Journal 7: 38-52.

Chesapeake Bay: An unprecedented decline in submerged aquatic vegetation. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1983. Science 222: 51-53.


The biology and propagation of Zostera marina, in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1982. Final Report, U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program, Grant No. R805953 and SRAMSOE No. 265, Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 195 pp.

Submerged aquatic vegetation: Distribution and abundance in the lower Chesapeake Bay and interactive effects of light, epiphytes and grazers. Orth, R. J., K. A. Moore, and J. van Montfrans. 1982. Final Report, U. S. EPA Chesapeake Program Grant No. X003246. 141 pp.

Submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potomac River and estuary of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia: Hydrologic Data Report, May 1978 to November 1981. Paschal, J. E. Jr., D. Miller, N. Bartow, and V. Carter. 1982. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-694. 220 pp.


A Biostratigraphy of Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries: a feasibility study. Brush, G. S., F. W. Davis, and C. A. Stenger. 1981. U.S. EPA Final Report Grant No. R806680. 68 pp.

Distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay: a scientific summary. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1981. SRAMSOE No. 259, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA.

Distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay - 1979. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1981. Final Report. U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program, Grant No. X003201.

Submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay: past, present and future. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1981. In: Proceedings 46th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D. C. 271-283.


Distribution of submerged vascular plants, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Anderson, R. R. and R. T. Macomber. 1980. Final Report, U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. Grant No. R805970. 126 pp.

Distribution of submersed aquatic macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River - implications for waterfowl. Carter, V. and G. M. Haramis. 1980. Atlantic Naturalist 33: 14-19.

Submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potomac. Carter, V., J. E. Paschal, and G. M. Haramis.1980. In: Proceedings Conference Coastal Zone 1980, ASCE/Hollywood, Florida. 17-20.


Distribution and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. Orth, R. J., K. A. Moore, and H. Gordon. EPA-600/8-79-029/SAV l. 1979. 199 pp.


Changes in submerged aquatic macrophyte populations at the head of the Chesapeake Bay, 1958-1974. Bayley, S., V. C. Stotts, P. F. Springer, and J. Steenis. 1978. Estuaries l: 171-182.

Summary of available information on Chesapeake Bay submerged vegetation. Stevenson, J. C and N. C. Confer, eds. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services. FWS/OBS-78/66. 1978. 335 pp.


Distribution and abundance of aquatic vegetation in the upper Chesapeake Bay, 1971-1974. Kerwin, J. A., R. E. Munro, and W. W. A. Peterson. 1977. In: The effects of Tropical Storm Agnes on the Chesapeake Bay Estuarine System. J. Davis, Ed. Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc. Publication No. 54 393-400. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.


The demise and recovery of Zostera marina, in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. Orth, R. J. 1976. Aquatic Botany 2: 141-159.


Distribution and abundance of aquatic vegetation in the upper Chesapeake Bay 1971-1973. Kerwin, J. A., R. E. Munro, and W. Peterson. 1975a. In: J. Davis (ed.), Impact of tropical storm Agnes on Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Research Consortium. Dl-D21.

Remote sensing of submerged aquatic vegetation in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J. and H. Gordon. 1975. Final Report NASA Contract NASl-10720. 62 pp.

Abundance of submerged vascular vegetation in the Rhode River from 1966 to 1973. Southwick, C. H. and F. W. Pine. 1975. Chesapeake Science 16: 147-151.


Submerged vascular plants of the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries. Anderson, R. R. 1972. Chesapeake Science 13 (suppl.). S87-S89.

Tentative outline for inventory of aquatic vegetation: Myriophyllum spicatum (Eurasian watermilfoil). Southwick, C. H. 1972. Chesapeake Science 13 (suppl). S174-S176.


Observations on the decline of the watermilfoil and other aquatic plants, Maryland, 1962-1967. Elser, H. J. 1969. Hyacinth Control Journal 89: 52-60.


Ecological studies of transition-zone vascular plants in the South River, Maryland. Philipp, C. C. and R. G. Brown. 1965. Chesapeake Science 6: 73-81.


Observations on distribution and control of Eurasian watermilfoil in Chesapeake Bay, 1961. Steenis, J. H., V. C. Stotts, and C. R. Gillette. 1962. Proceedings Northeast Weed Control Conference. 16: 442-448.


Investigations of the pollution and sanitary conditions of the Potomac watershed. Cumming, H. S., W. C. Purdy, and H. P. Ritter. 1916. Treasury Department, U. S. Public Health Service Hygenic Lab. Bull. No. 104. 231 pp.

Masters Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations


The history of submerged aquatic vegetation at the head of Chesapeake Bay: a strategic study. Davis, F. W. Ph.D. Dissertation. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. USA. 1982.


2. Reproductive Biology, Systematics, and Molecular Genetics

Published Papers and Reports


Adaptations by Zostera marina Dominated Seagrass Meadows in Response to Water Quality and Climate Forcing. Shields, E. C. Kenneth A. Moore, and David B. Parrish. 2018. Diversity 10, 125


Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Sentinel Species in a Changing World. Orth, R. J., W. C. Dennison, J. S. Lefcheck, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. Keisman, J. B. Landry, K. A. Moore, R. R. Murphy, C. J. Patrick, J. Testa, D. E. Weller, and D. J. Wilcox. 2017. BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 8, August 2017, Pages 698–712,

Demographic and genetic connectivity: the role and consequences of reproduction, dispersal and recruitment in seagrasses. Kendrick, G., R. J. Orth, J. Statton, R. Hovey, L. Ruiz Montoya, R. Lowe, S. Krauss, and E. Sinclair. 2017. Biological Reviews 92:921-938. doi: 10.1111/brv.12261

The influence of resource availability on flowering intensity in Zostera marina (L.). Johnson, A. J., K. A. Moore, and R. J. Orth. 2017. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 490:13-22.


Marine Phytophthora species can hamper conservation and restoration of vegetated coastal ecosystems. Govers, L. L., W. Man in 't Veld, J. P. Meffert, T.J. Bouma, P.C.J. van Rijswick, J. H.T. Heusinkveld, R.J. Orth, M.M van Katwijk, T. van der Heide. 2016. Royal Society Proceedings B. 283:

Temporal variability in potential connectivity of Vallisneria americana in the Chesapeake Bay. Lloyd, M.W., P.A. Widmeyer, and M.C. Neel. 2016. Landscape Ecology 31: 2307. doi:10.1007/s10980-016-0401-y


The roles of dispersal and predation in determining seedling recruitment patterns in a foundational marine angiosperm. Manley, S. R., R. J. Orth, and L. Ruiz-Montoya. 2015. Marine Ecology Progress Series 533:109-120. doi:10.3354/meps11363.

Effects of seed source, sediment type, and burial depth on mixed-annual and perennial Zostera marina L. seed germination and seedling establishment. Jarvis, J.C. and K.A. Moore. 2015. Estuaries and Coasts 38: 964. doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9869-3


Modeling loss and recovery of Zostera marina beds in Chesapeake Bay: The role of seedlings and seed-bank viability. Jarvis, J. C., M. J. Brush, and K. A. Moore. 2014. Aquatic Botany 113: 32-45.

Evidence of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) seed dispersal by Northern Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) in lower Chesapeake Bay. Tulipani, D.C. and R.N. Lipcius. 2014. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103346.


Restoration recovers population structure and landscape genetic connectivity in a dispersal-limited ecosystem. Reynolds, L. K., M. Waycott, and K. J. McGlathery. 2013. J Ecol, 101: 1288–1297. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12116

Potential roles of Labyrinthula spp. in global seagrass population declines. Sullivan, B.K., T.D. Sherman, V.S. Damare, O. Lilje, and F.H. Gleason. 2013. Fungal Ecology.


Biotic dispersal in eelgrass Zostera marina. Sumoski, S. E. and R. J. Orth. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 471: 1-10.

The central role of dispersal in the maintenance and persistence of seagrass populations. Kendrick, G. A., M. Waycott, T. J. B. Carruthers, M. L. Cambridge, R. Hovey, S. L. Krauss, P. S. Lavery, D. H. Les, R. J. Lowe, O. M. I. Vidal, J. L. S. Ooi, R. J. Orth, D. O. Rivers, L. Ruiz-Montoya, E. A. Sinclair, J. Statton, J. Kornelis van Dijk, and J. J. Verduin. 2012. BioScience 62: 56-65.

Characterization and ecological implication of eelgrass life history strategies near the species' southern limit in the western North Atlantic. 2012. Jarvis, J. C., K. A. Moore, and W. J. Kenworthy. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 444: 43-56.

Genetic diversity enhances restoration success by augmenting ecosystem services. Reynolds, L. K., K. J. McGlathery, and M. Waycott. 2012. PloS ONE. 7: 1-7.

Eelgrass restoration by seed maintains genetic diversity: case study from a coastal system. 2012. Reynolds, L. K., M. Waycott, K. J. McGlathery, R. J. Orth, and J. C. Zieman. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 223-233. DOI 10.3354/meps09386.

Seedling establishment in the eelgrass: seed burial effects on winter losses of developing seedlings. 2012. Marion, S .R. and R. J. Orth. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 177-195. DOI 10.3354/meps09522.


Influence of environmental factors on Vallisneria americana seed germination. Jarvis, J. C. and K. A. Moore. 2008. Aquatic Botany 88: 283-294.

Factors influencing reproduction in American wild celery: a synthesis. McFarland, D. G. and D. Shafer. 2008. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46: 129-143.


Effects of edge/interior and patch structure on reproduction in Zostera marina L. in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Harwell, M. C. and J. M. Rhode. 2007. Aquatic Botany 87: 147-154.

Using seeds to propogate and restore Vallisneria americana Michaux (wild celery) in the Chesapeake Bay. Moore, K. and J. C. Jarvis. 2007. ERDC/TN SAV-07-03. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. http:/

A summary of eelgrass (Zostera marina) reproductive biology with an emphasis on seed biology and ecology from the Chesapeake Bay region. Orth, R. J., S. R. Marion, and K. A. Moore. 2007. SAV Technical Notes Collection (ERDC/TN SAV-07-1). Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.


Seagrass recovery in the Delmarva Coastal Bays, USA. Orth, R. J., M. L. Luckenbach, S. R. Marion, K. A. Moore, and D. J. Wilcox. 2006. Aquatic Botany 84: 26-36.


Seed production from the mixed mating system of Chesapeake Bay (USA ) (Zostera marina; Zosteraceae). Rhode, J. and J. E Duffy. 2004. American Journal of Botany 91: 192-197.


Seed-density effects on germination and initial seedling establishment in Zostera marina in the Chesapeake Bay region. Orth, R. J., J. R. Fishman, M. C. Harwell, and S. R. Marion. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2003. 250: 71-79.


Long-distance dispersal potential in a marine macrophyte. Harwell, M. C. and R. J. Orth. 2002. Ecology 83: 3319-3330.

Seed bank patterns in Chesapeake Bay (Zostera marina L.): A Bay-wide perpsective. Harwell, M. C. and R. J. Orth. 2002. Estuaries 25: 1196-1204.


Influence of a tube-dwelling polychaete on the dispersal of fragmented reproductive shoots. Harwell, M. C. and R. J. Orth. 2001. Aquatic Botany 70: 1-7.

Biomechanical properties of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) reproductive shoots: Breaking stress, breaking strain, toughness, and elastic modulus. Patterson, M. R., M. C. Harwell, L. M. Orth, and R. J. Orth. 2001. Aquatic Botany 69: 27-40.

Investigations of the availability and survival of submersed aquatic vegetation propagules in the tidal Potomac River. Rybicki, N. B., D. G. McFarland, H. A. Ruhl, J. T. Reel, and J. W. Barko. 2001. Estuaries 24: 407-424.


A review of issues in seagrass seed dormancy and germination: implications for conservation and restoration. Orth, R. J., M. C. Harwell, E. M. Bailey, A. Bartholomew, J. T. Jawad, A. V. Lombana, K. A. Moore, J. M. Rhode, and H. W. Woods. 2000. Marine Ecology Progress Series 200: 277-288.


Effects of a deposit-feeding invertebrate on the entrapment of Zostera marina L. seeds. Luckenbach, M. W and R. J. Orth. 1999. Aquatic Botany 62: 235-247.


Genetic diversity and structure of natural and transplanted populations in the Chesapeake and Chincoteague Bays. Williams, S. L. and R. J. Orth. 1998. Estuaries 21: 118-128.


Effects of predation on Zostera marina seed abundance. Fishman, J. R. and R. J. Orth. 1996. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 198: 11-26.


Viability and growth of submersed macrophyte propagules from the Potomac River: Laboratory studies. McFarland, D. G. and J. W. Barko. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting Aquatic Plant Control Program, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 1995. 219-232.


Seed dispersal in a marine macrophyte: Implications for colonization and restoration. Orth, R. J., M. L. Luckenbach, and K. A. Moore. 1994. Ecology 75: 1927-1939.


Environmental regulation of seed germination in Zostera marina L. in Chesapeake Bay: effects of light, oxygen, and sediment burial depth. Moore, K. A., R. J. Orth, and J. F. Nowak. 1993. Aquatic Botany 45: 79-91.


Effect of salinity and temperature on germination of monoecious Hydrilla propagules. Carter, V., N. Rybicki, and C. L. Schulman. 1987. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 25: 54-57.


Effects of sediment depth and sediment type on the survival of Vallisneria americana Michx grown from tubers. Rybick, N. and V. Carter. 1986. Aquatic Botany 24: 233-240.


Seed germination and seedling growth of Zostera marina L. in the Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. 1983. Aquatic Botany 15: 117-131.

Anthesis and seed production in Zostera marina L. from the Chesapeake Bay. Silberhorn, G., R. J. Orth, and K. A. Moore. 1983. Aquatic Botany 15: 133-144.


Summary of available information on Chesapeake Bay submerged vegetation. Stevenson, J. C. and N. M. Confer, Eds. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services. FWS/OBS-78/66. 1978. 335 pp.

Masters Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations


Influence of environmental factors on the seed ecology of Vallisneria americana. Campbell, J. J. MS Thesis. College of William and Mary. 2005. 167 pp.


Microevolutionary processes in Chesapeake Bay (Virginia USA), Zostera marina L. Rhode, J. M. Ph.D. Dissertation. College of William and Mary 2002. 188 pp.


Relationships between environmental variables and submerged aquatic vegetation in the Potomac River, 1985-1997. Rybicki, N. B. Ph.D. Dissertation. George Mason University. 2001.


Ecological dispersal mechanisms, reproductive ecology, and the importance of scale in Zostera marina in Chesapeake Bay. Harwell, M. C. Ph.D. College of William and Mary. 2000. 282 pp.



3. Environmental Interactions, Processes, and Modeling

Published Papers and Reports


Warming temperatures alter the relative abundance and distribution of two co-occurring foundational seagrasses in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Richardson, J. P., J. S., Lefcheck, R. J., Orth. 2018. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 599:65-74.

Adaptations by Zostera marina Dominated Seagrass Meadows in Response to Water Quality and Climate Forcing. Shields, E. C. K. A. Moore, and D. B. Parrish. 2018. Diversity 10, 125


Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Sentinel Species in a Changing World. Orth, R. J., W. C. Dennison, J. S. Lefcheck, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. Keisman, J. B. Landry, K. A. Moore, R. R. Murphy, C. J. Patrick, J. Testa, D. E. Weller, and D. J. Wilcox. 2017. BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 8, August 2017, Pages 698–712,

Multiple stressors threaten a critical foundation species in Chesapeake Bay.Lefcheck, J. S., D. J. Wilcox, R. R. Murphy, S. R. Marion, R. J. Orth. 2017. Global Biology Change doi: 10.11.11/gcb.13623


Mechanisms of storm-related loss and resilience in a large submersed plant bed.Gurbisz, C., W. M. Kemp, L. P. Sanford, and R. J. Orth. 2016.Estuaries and Coasts 39:951-966. DOI 10.1007/s12237-016-0074-4.

The relationship between shoreline armoring and adjacent submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and nearby atlantic coastal bays. Patrick, C.J., D.E. Weller, and M. Ryder. 2016. Estuaries and Coasts 39: 158. doi:10.1007/s12237-015-9970-2

Temporal variability in potential connectivity of Vallisneria americana in the Chesapeake Bay. Lloyd, M.W., P.A. Widmeyer, and M.C. Neel. 2016. Landscape Ecology 31: 2307. doi:10.1007/s10980-016-0401-y


Predicting effects of ocean warming, acidification, and water quality on Chesapeake region eelgrass. Zimmerman, R. C., V. J. Hill, and C. L. Gallegos. 2015. Limnology and Oceanography 60: 1781–1804. doi:10.1002/lno.10139

Interannual variation in submerged aquatic vegetation and its relationship to water quality in subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay. C. J. Patrick and D.E. Weller. 2015. Marine Ecology Progress Series 537:121-135.


Modeling loss and recovery of Zostera marina beds in Chesapeake Bay: The role of seedlings and seed-bank viability. Jarvis, J. C., M. J. Brush, and K. A. Moore. 2014. Aquatic Botany 113: 32-45.

Patterns of seagrass community response to local shoreline development. Blake, R.E., J.E. Duffy, and J.P. Richardson. 2014. Estuaries and Coasts 37: 1549. doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9784-7

Unexpected resurgence of a large submersed plant bed in Chesapeake Bay: Analysis of time series data. Gurbisz, C., and K. W. Michael. 2014. Limnology and Oceanography, 59, doi: 10.4319/lo.2014.59.2.0482.

Impacts of varying estuarine temperature and light conditions on Zostera marina (Eelgrass) and its interactions with Ruppia maritima (Widgeongrass). Moore, K.A., E. C. Shields, and D. B. Parrish. Estuaries and Coasts. 2014. 37(Suppl 1): 20-30. doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9667-3


Seasonal Growth and Senescence of a Zostera marina seagrass meadow alters wave-dominance flow and sediment suspension within a Coastal Bay. Hansen, J. C. and M. A. Reidenbach. 2012. Estuaries and Coasts 36: 1099-1133. DOI 1007/s/1237-013-9620-5.

Broad-scale association between seagrass cover and juvenile blue crab density in Chesapeake Bay. Ralph G.M, R. D. Seitz, R. J. Orth, K.E. Knick, and R. N. Lipcius. 2013. Marine Ecology Progress Series 488:51-63.


Influences of salinity and light availability on abundance and distribution of tidal freshwater and oligohaline submersed aquatic vegetation. Shield, E. C., K. A. Moore, and D. B. Parrish. 2012. Estuaries and Coasts 35: 515-526. DOI 1007/s12237-011-9460-0.

Modeling the effects of climate change on eelgrass stability and resilience: future scenarios and leading indicators of collapse. Carr, J. A., P. D'Odorico, K. J. McGlathery, and P. L. Wiberg. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 289-301 DOI: 10.3354/meps09556.

Stability and resilience of seagrass meadows to seasonal and interannual dynamics and environmental stress. Carr, J. A., P. D'Odorico, K. J. McGlathery, and P. L. Wiberg. 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, G01007, DOI 10.1029/2011JG00174, 2012.

Nitrogen fixation in restored eelgrass meadows. Cole, L. W. and K. J. McGlathery. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 235-246 DOI: 10.3354/meps09512.

Wave and tidally driven flows in eelgrass beds and their effect on sediment suspension. Hansen, J. C. and M. A. Reidenbach. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 271-287 DOI: 10.3354/meps09225.

Enhancement of sediment suspension and nutrient flux by benthic macrophytes at low biomass. Lawson, S. E., K. J. McGlathery, P. L. Wiberg. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 259-270 DOI: 10.3354/meps09579.

Recovery trajectories during state changes from bare sediment to eelgrass dominance. McGlathery, K. J., L. K. Reynolds, L. W. Cole, R. J. Orth, S. R. Marion, and A. Schwarzschild. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 209-221. DOI: 10.3354/meps09574.

Eelgrass survival in two contrasting systems: role of turbidity and summer water temperatures. Moore, K. A., E. C. Shields, D. B. Parrish, and R. J. Orth. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 247-258. DOI 10.3354/meps09578.

Seed addition facilitates eelgrass recovery in a coastal bay system. Orth, R. J., K. A. Moore S. R. Marion, D. J. Wilcox, and D. B. Parrish. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 177-195. DOI 10.3354/meps09522.

Sediment accumulation rates and submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) distributions in the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay, USA. Palinkas, C. M. and E. W. Koch. 2012. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10.1007s12237-012-9542-7.


Dissolved oxygen fluxes and ecosystem metabolism in an eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadow measured with the eddy correlation technique. 2011. Hume, A. C., P. Berg, and K. J. McGlathery. Limnology and Oceanograhy 56 (1): 86-96.


Feedback effects in a coastal canopy-forming submersed plant bed. 2010. Gruber, R. K. and W. M. Kemp. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 2285-2298.

Long-term reductions in anthropogenic nutrients link to improvements in Chesapeake Bay habitat. Ruhl, H. A. and N. B. Rybicki. 2010. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences.


Community composition and nutrient availability alter sediment organic matter composition in a seagrass bed: a field experiment. 2009. Spivak, A.C., E. A. Canuel, J. E. Duffy, J. G. Douglass, and J. P. Richardson. Marine Ecology Progress Series 376: 55-67.

Effects of sediment organic content and hydrodynamic conditions on the growth and distribution of Zostera marina. 2009. Wicks, C. E., E. W. Koch, J. M. O'Neil, and K. Elliston. Marine Ecology Progress Series 378: 71-80.


Using the aquatic macrophyte Vallisneria americana (wild celery) as a nutrient bioindicator. Benson, E. R., J. M. O' Neal, and W. C. Dennison. 2008. Hydrobiologia 596: 187-196.

Effects of pre-existing submersed vegetation and propagule pressure on the invasion success of Hydrilla verticillata. Chadwell, T. B. and K. A. M. Engelhardt. 2008. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 515-523.

Seagrass habitats. McGlathery, K. J., D. G. Capone, D. A. Bronk, M. R. Mulholland, and E. C. Carpenter. 2008. In: (Eds.) Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. 2nd edition. Elsevier. The Netherlands. 1037-1071.

Factors influencing reproduction in American wild celery: a synthesis. McFarland, D. G. and D. Shafer. 2008. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46: 129-143.

Environmental factors affecting recent summertime eelgrass diebacks in the Lower Chesapeake Bay: implications for long-term persistence. Moore, K. A. and J. C. Jarvis. 2008. Journal of Coastal Research 55: 135-147.


A nearshore model to investigate the effects of seagrass bed geometry on wave attenuation and suspended sediment transport. Chen, S., L. P. Sanford, E. W. Koch, P. Shi, and E. W. North. 2007. Estuaries and Coasts 30: 296-310.

Eutrophication patterns in shallow coastal bays and lagoons: McGlathery, K. J., K. Sundback, and I. C. Anderson. 2007. The role of plants in the coastal filter. Marine Ecology Progress Series 348: 1-18.

Top-down and bottom-up controls on sediment organic matter composition in an experimental seagrass ecosystem. Spivak, A.C., E. A. Canuel, J. E. Duffy, and J. P. Richardson. 2007. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 2595-2607.


Primary factors influencing water clarity at shallow water sites throughout the Chesapeake and Maryland Coastal Bays. Baldizar, J. M. and N. B. Ribicki. Subcommittee on Sedimentation, 2006. Proceedings of the Eighth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conferences, 1947 to 2006. http:/p/


Chemistry of surface waters: Distinguishing fine-scale differences in sea grass habitats of Chesapeake Bay. Dorval, E. and C. M. Jones. 2005. Limnology and Oceanograhy 50: 1073-1083.

Effects of Procentrum minimum bloom on light availability for and potential impacts on submersed aquatic vegetation in upper Chesapeake Bay. Gallegos, C. L. and P. W. Bergstrom. Harmful 2005. Algae 4: 553-574.

Eutrophication of Chesapeake Bay: historical trends and ecological interactions. Kemp, W.M. plus 17 authors. 2005. Marine Ecology Progress Series 303: 1-29.


Habitat requirements for submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Water quality, light regime, and physical-chemical factors. Kemp, W. M., R. Batuik, R. Bartleson, P. Bergstrom, V. Carter, G. Gallegos, W. Hunley, L. Karrh, E. Koch, J. Landwehr, K. Moore, L. Murray, M. Naylor, N. Rybicki, J. C. Stevenson, and D. Wilcox. 2004. Estuaries 27: 363-377.

Influence of seagrasses on water quality in shallow regions of the Lower Chesapeake Bay. Moore, K.A. 2004. Journal of Coastal Research 45: 162-178.

Modeling seagrass density and distribution in response to changes to turbidity stemming from bivalve filtration and seagrass sediment stabilization. Newell, R .I. E. and E. W. Koch. 2004. Estuaries 27: 793-806.


Periphyton as a UV-B filter on seagrass leaves: a result of different transmittance in the UV-B and PAR ranges. Brandt, Leslie A. and E. W. Koch. 2003. Aquatic Botany 76: 317-327.

Interactive effects of light and salinity stress on the growth, reproduction, and photosynthetic capabilities of Vallisneria americana (Wild Celery). French, G. T. and K. A. Moore. 2003. Estuaries 26: 1255-1268.

Multi-scale experiments in coastal ecology: Improving realism and advancing theory. Petersen, J., W. M. Kemp, W. Boynton, C-C Chen, J. Cornwell, R. Gardner, D. Hinkle, E. Houde, T. Malone, W. Mowitt, L. Murray, L. Sanford, C. Stevenson, K. Sundberg, and S. Suttles. 2003. BioScience 53: 1181-1197.


Long-distance dispersal potential in a marine macrophyte. Harwell, M. C. and R. J. Orth. Ecology. 2002. 83: 3319-3330.

Operation of the xanthophyll cycle in the seagrass Zostera marina in response to variable irradiance. Ralph, P. J., S. M. Polk, K. A. Moore, R. J. Orth, and W. O. Smith, Jr. 2002. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 271: 189-207.

Light and temperature effects on the growth of Wild Celery and Hydrilla. Rybicki, N.B. and V. Carter. 2002. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 40: 92-99


System-Wide Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Model for Chesapeake Bay. Cerco, C. F. and K. Moore. 2001. Estuaries 24: 522-534.

Calculating optical water quality targets to restore and protect submersed aquatic vegetation: overcoming problems in partitioning the diffuse attenuation coefficient for photosynthetically active radiation. Gallegos, C. L. 2001. Estuaries 24: 381-397.

Beyond light: Physical, geological, and geochemical parameters as possible submersed aquatic vegetation habitat requirements. Koch, E. W. 2001. Estuaries 24: 1-17.


Chesapeake Bay submerged aquatic vegetation water quality and habitat-based requirement and restoration targets : A second technical synthesis. Batiuk, R., P. Bergstrom , W. M. Kemp , E. Koch, L. Murray, J. C. Stevenson, R. Bartleson, V. Carter, N. Rybicki , J. Landwehr, C. Gallegos, L. Karrh, M. Naylor, D. Wilcox, K. A. Moore, S. Ailstock, and M. Teichberg (2000). CBP/TRS 245/00. EPA 903-R-00-014, U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD.

Seasonal variations in (Zostera marina L.) responses to nutrient enrichment and reduced light availability in experimental ecosystems. Moore, K. A. and R. L. Wetzel. 2000. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 244: 1-28.

Scaling submersed plant community resonses to experimental nutrient enrichment. Murray L., R. B. Sturgis, R. Bartleson, W. Severn, and W. M. Kemp. In: S. Bortone (ed.) Seagrasses: Monitoring, ecology, physiology, and management. CRC Publi., Boca Raton, FL. 2000. 241-258.


A Linked Physical and Biological Framework to Assess Biogeochemical Dynamics in a Shallow Estuarine Ecosytem. Buzzelli, C. P., R. L. Wetzel, and M. B. Meyers. 1999. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 49: 829-851.

Summary of correlations among seasonal water quality, discharge, weather, and coverage by submersed aquatic vegetation in the tidal Potomac River and Potomac Estuary, 1983-96. Carter, V., N. B. Rybicki, J. M. Landwehr, J. T. Reel, and H. A. Ruhl. 1999. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-657, 81 pp .


Dynamic simulation of littoral zone habitats in lower Chesapeake Bay. I. Ecosystem characterization related to model development. Buzzelli, C. P. 1998. Estuaries 21: 659-672.

Dynamic simulation of littoral zone habitats in lower Chesapeake Bay. II. Seagrass habitat primary production and water quality relationships. Buzzelli, C. P., R. L. Wetzel, and M. B. Meyers. 1998. Estuaries 21: 673-689.

Scaling submersed plant community responses to experimental nutrient enrichment. Murrary, L., R. B. Sturgis, R. D. Bartleson, W. Severn, and W. M. Kemp. In: S. A. Bortone, ed. Seagrasses: monitoring, ecology, physiology, and management. CRC Marine Science Series. CRC Press LLC, FL. 2000. Proceedings of a workshop on Subtropical and tropical seagrass management ecology: responses to environmental stress. Fort Myers, Florida. October 14-16, 1998. 241-257.


Seasonal pulses of turbidity and their relations to (Zostera marina L.) survival in an estuary. Moore, K. A., R. L. Wetzel, and R .J. Orth. 1997. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 215: 115-134.

Observations of tidal flux between a submersed aquatic plant stand and the adjacent channel in the Potomac River near Washington, D.C. Rybicki, N. B., H. L. Jenter, V. Carter, R. A. Baltzer, and M. Turtora. 1997. Limnology and Oceanography 42: 307-317.

Facilitation of phosphate assimilation by aquatic mycorrhizae of Vallisneria americana Michx. Wigand, C. and J. C. Stevenson. 1997. Hydrobiologia 342/343: 35-41.

Effects of different submersed macrophytes on sediment biogeochemistry. Wigand, C., J. C. Stevenson, and J. C. Cornwell. 1997. Aquatic Botany 56: 233-244.


A comparative analysis of eutrophication patterns in a temperate coastal lagoon. Boynton, W. R., L. Murray, J. D. Hagy, C. Stokes, and W. M. Kemp. 1996. Estuaries 19: 408-421.

Non-structural carbohydrate reserves of Zostera marina. Burke, M. K., W. C. Dennison, and K. A. Moore. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1996: 137: 195-201.

Effect of increasing photon irradiance on the growth of Vallisneria americana in the tidal Potomac River. Carter, V., N. B. Rybicki, and M. Turtora. 1996. Aquatic Botany 54: 337-345.

Subaqueous Soils: A Pedological Approach to the Study of Shallow-Water Habitats. Demas, G. P., M. C. Rabenhorst, and J. C. Stevenson. 1996. Estuaries 19: 229-237.

Ecosystem model of an estuarine submersed plant community: Calibration and simulation of eutrophication responses. Madden, C. J. and W. M. Kemp. 1996. Estuaries 19: 457-474.

Zostera marina L. growth and survival along a gradient of nutrients and turbidity in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Moore, K. A., H. A. Neckles, and R. J. Orth. 1996. Marine Ecology Progress Series 142: 247-259.

Nutrient inputs to the Choptank River estuary: Implications for watershed management. Staver, L. W., K. W. Staver, and J. C. Stevenson. 1996. Estuaries 19: 342-358.


Photosynthetic responses of Zostera marina L. to light and sediment sulfide in a shallow barrier island lagoon. Goodman, J. L., K. A. Moore, and W. C. Dennison. 1995. Aquatic Botany 50: 37-47.

Simulation models of an estuarine macrophyte ecosystem. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton, and A. J. Hermann. In: B. Patten and S. W, Jorgesen (eds.) Complex ecology. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1995. 262-278.

Effects of a polyhaline SAV bed on spatial and temporal variability in water quality. Moore, K. A. and J. L. Goodman. In: Toward a sustainable coastal watershed. The Chesapeake Experiment 1994 Chesapeake Research Conference.1995. 615-628.


Role of weather and water quality in population dynamics of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River. Carter, V., N. B. Rybicki, J. M. Landwehr, and M. Turtora. 1994. Estuaries 17: 417-426.

Relative responses by epiphytic photoautotrophs and heterotrophs in Zostera marina (eelgrass) microcasms: Responses to nutrient enrichment and grazing. Neckles, H. A., E. T. Koefler, L. W. Haas, R. L. Wetzel and R. J. Orth. 1994. Estuaries 17: 597-605.

Zostera marina L. growth response to atrazine in root-rhizome and whole plant exposure experiments. Schwarzschild, A. C., W. G. MacIntyre, K. A. Moore, and E. L. Libelo. 1994. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 183: 77-89.

The presence and possible ecological significance of mycorrhizae in the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria americana. Wigand, C. and J. C. Stevenson. 1994. Estuaries 17: 217-226.


Assessing water quality with submersed aquatic vegetation. Dennison, W. C., R. J. Orth, K. A. Moore, J. C. Stevenson, V. Carter, S. Kollar, P. Bergstrom, and R. A. Batiuk. 1993. Bioscience 43: 86-94.

Daily variability in the measurement of light attenuation using scalar (spherical) and cosine-corrected quantum sensors. Moore, K. A. and J. L. Goodman. In: Proceedings and conclusions of workshop on: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Photosynthetically Active Radiation. Special Publication SJ93-SP13. Palatka, Florida, St. Johns Water Management District. 1993. 159-167.

Environmental regulation of seed germination in Zostera marina L. in Chesapeake Bay: Effects of light, oxygen and sediment burial depth. Moore, K. A., R. J. Orth, and J. F. Nowak. 1993. Aquatic Botany 45: 79-91.

Relative effects of nutrient enrichment and grazing on epiphyte-macrophyte Zostera marina L. dynamics. Neckles, H. A., R. L. Wetzel, and R. J. Orth. 1993. Oecologia 93: 275-295.

Nitrogen versus phosphorus enrichment of brackish waters: Response of Potamogeton Perfoliatus and its associated algal communities. Neundorfer, J. V. and W. M. Kemp. 1993. Marine Ecology Progress Series 94: 71-82.

Water quality associated with survival of submersed aquatic vegetation along an estuarine gradient. Stevenson, J. C., L. W. Staver, and K. W. Staver. 1993. Estuaries 16: 346-361.


Influence of the submersed plant, Potamogeton Perfoliatus L., on nitrogen cycling in estuarine sediments: Use of 15N techniques. Caffrey, J. M. and W. M. Kemp. 1992. Limnology and Oceanography 37: 1483-1495.

Nitrogen versus phosphorus limitation for growth of an estuarine population of (Zostera marina L.). Murray, L., W. C. Dennison, and W. M. Kemp. 1992. Aquatic Botany 44: 82-100.


Seasonal and spatial patterns of oxygen production, respiration and root-rhizome release in Potamogeton Perfoliatus L. and Zostera marina Caffrey, L. J. M. and W. M. Kemp. 1991. Aquatic Botany 40: 109-128.

Effects of submersed macrophytes on dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature under different conditions of wind, tide, and bed structure. Carter, V., N. Rybicki, and R. Hammerschlag. 1991. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 6: 121-133.

Population dynamics of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River in 25th annual Meeting. Carter, V., N. Rybicki, and M. Turtora. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Misc. Paper A-91-3, Proceedings. 1991. 41-53.


Nitrogen cycling in sediments with estuarine populations of Potamogeton Perfoliatus L. and Zostera marina. Caffrey, J. M. and W. M. Kemp. 1990. Marine Ecology Progress Series 66: 147-160.

Light attenuation and submersed macrophyte distribution in the tidal Potomac River and Estuary. Carter, V. and N. B. Rybicki. 1990. Estuaries 13: 441-452.

Tidal mass exchange between a submerged aquatic vegetation bed and the main channel of the Potomac River. Jenter, H. S., N. Rybicki, R. B. Baltzer, and V. Carter. Proceedings 1991 Hydraulic Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, Nashville, Tennessee. 1990. 298-304.


Aspects of nitrogen acquisition and conservation in plants. Borum, J. L., L. Murray, and W. M. Kemp. 1989. Aquatic Botany 35: 289-300.

Data on physical, chemical and biological data and characteristics of Hydrilla beds, mixed beds, and unvegetated sites in the tidal Potomac River, Maryland and Virginia. Carter, V., N. Rybicki, R. C. Jones, J. W. Barko, P. V. Dresler, R. E. Hickman, and R. T. Anderson. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-709. 1989. 196 pp.


Effects of submersed aquatic macrophytes on physical and chemical properties of surrounding water. Barko, J. W., G. L. Godshalk, V. Carter, and N. Rybicki. Department of the Army Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report A-99-11. 1988. 28 pp.

Effects of submersed macrophytes on water quality in the tidal Potomac River, Maryland. Carter, V., J. W. Barko, G. L. Godshalk, and N. B. Rybicki. 1988. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 4: 493-501.

Light response and adaptation for the submersed macrophyte, Potamogeton Perfoliatus: Implications for survival in turbid tidal waters. Goldsborough, W. G. and W. M. Kemp. 1988. Ecology 69: 1775-1786.


Diel growth in Zostera marina. Kemp, W. M., L. Murray, J. Borum, and K. Sand-Jensen. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1987. 41: 79-86.

Oxygen metabolism of the princial autotrophic components of a temperate seagrass community: plant-epiphyte, phytoplankton and benthic algae. Murray, L. and R. L. Wetzel. 1987. Marine Ecology Progress Series 38: 231-239.


The effects of grazers and light penetration on the survival of transplants of Vallisneria americana Michx in the tidal Potomac River, Maryland. Carter, V. and N. B. Rybicki. 1986. Aquatic Botany 23: 197-213.

Photosynthetic temperature acclimation in two coexisting seagrasses, Zostera marina L. and Ruppia maritima. Evans, L. A., K. L. Webb and P.A. Penhale. 1986. Aquatic Botany 24: 185-197.

Uptake, release, and photosynthetic inhibition of atrazine in the submersed macrophyte Potamogeton Perfoliatus. Jones, L. T. W., W. M. Kemp, P. S. Estes, and J. C. Stevenson. 1986. Arch. Environmental Contamination Toxicology 15: 277-282.

Comparison of methods for measuring production by the submersed macrophyte, Potamogeton Perfoliatus. Kemp, L. W. M., M. R. Lewis, and T. W. Jones. 1986. Limnology and Oceanography 31: 1322-1334.

Oxygen release from roots of the submersed macrophyte, Potamogeton Perfoliatus L: regulating factors and ecological implications. Kemp, W. M. and L. Murray. 1986. Aquatic Botany 26: 271-283.

Effects of sediment depth and sediment type on the survival of Vallisneria americana Michx grown from tubers. Rybicki , N. B. and V. Carter. 1986. Aquatic Botany 24: 233-240.

A comparative study of decomposition, oxygen consumption, and nutrient release for selected aquatic plants occurring in an estuarine environment. Twilley, R. R., G. Ejdung, P. Romare, and W. M. Kemp. 1986. Oikos 47: 190-198.

A model of Zostera marina L. photosynthesis and growth: simulated effects of selected physical-chemical variables and biological interactions. Wetzel, R. L. and H. A. Neckles. 1986. Aquatic Botany 26: 307-324.


A summary of scientific research to address management need. Flemer, D. A., W. Boynton, C. D' Elia, W. M. Kemp, M. Nichol, R. J. Orth, J. Smullen, R. Taft, R. Wetzel. In: N-L Chao and W. Kirby-Smith (eds.) Utilization of coastal ecosystems. University Rio Grande Press, Brazil. 1985.

Effects of atrazine and linuron on photosynthesis and growth and macrophytes, Potamogeton Perfoliatus L. and Myriophyllum spicatum L., in an estuarine environment. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton, J. J. Cunningham, J. C. Stevenson, T. W. Jones, and J. C. Means. 1985. Marine Environmental Research 16: 255-280.

Nutrient enrichment of estuarine submersed vascular plant communities: I. Algal growth and effects on production of plants and associated communities. Twilley, R .R., W. M. Kemp, K. W. Staver, J. C. Stevenson, and W. R. Boynton. 1985. Marine Ecology Progress Series 23: 179-191.


A water-quality study of the tidal Potomac River and Estuary - An overview. Callender, E., V. Carter, D. C. Hahl, and K. Hitt (Eds.). U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2233. 1984. 46 pp.

Temporal responses of the macrophyte, Potamogeton Perfoliatus L., and its associated autotrophic community to atrazine exposure in estuarine microcosms. Cunningham, J. J., W. M. Kemp, J. C. Stevenson, and M. R. Lewis. 1984. Estuaries 7: 519-530.

Determination of adenine nucleotide levels in Zostera marina. Delistraty, D. and C. Hershner. 1984. Journal of Applied Biochemistry 5: 404-419.

Effects of the herbicide atrazine on adenine nucleotide levels in Zostera marina L. Delistraty, D. and C. Hershner. 1984. Aquatic Botany 18: 353-369.

Uptake and phytotoxicity of atrazine and its metabolites in submerged macrophytes. Jones, T. W. and P. S. Estes. 1984. Journal of Environmental Quality 13: 243-247.

Influences of submersed vascular plants on ecological processes in upper Chesapeake Bay. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton, R. R. Twilley, J. C. Stevenson, and L. G. Ward. In: V.S. Kennedy (ed.) Estuaries as filters. Academic Press, New York. 1984. 367-394.

Growth of Zostera marina L. seedlings under laboratory conditions of nutrient enrichment. Roberts, M. H., Jr., R. J. Orth, and K. A. Moore. 1984. Aquatic Botany 20: 321-328.

A comparative study of decomposition, oxygen consumption and nutrient release for selected aquatic plants occurring in an estuarine environment. Twilley, R. R., G. Ejdung, P. Romase, and W. M. Kemp. 1984. Oikos 47: 190-198.

Nutrient enrichment of estuarine submersed vascular plant communities. I. Algal growth and effects on production of plants and associated communities. Twilley, R. R., W. M. Kemp, K. W. Staver, K. W. Stevenson, and J. C. Boynton. 1984. Marine Ecology Progress Series 23: 179-191.

Epiphyte-grazer relationships in seagrass meadows: Consequences for seagrass growth and production. van Montfrans, J., R. L. Wetzel, and R. J. Orth. 1984. Estuaries 7: 289-309.

The influence of waves and seagrass communities on suspended sediment dynamics in an estuarine embayment. Ward, L. G., W. M. Kemp, and W. R. Boynton. 1984. Marine Geology 59: 85-103.


Uptake and phytotoxicity of soil-sorbed atrazine for the submerged aquatic plant, Potamogeton Perfoliatus. Jones, L. T. W. and P. S. Estes. 1983. Arch. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 13: 237-241.

Uptake and photosynthetic inhibition by atrazine and its degradation products on four species of submerged aquatic vegetation. Jones, T. W. and L. Winchel. 1983. Journal of Environmental Quality 13: 243-247.

A simulation modeling framework for analysis of estuarine ecosystems: The case of submerged vascular plants in upper Chesapeake Bay. Kemp, W. M., W. Boynton, and A. Hermann. In: K. Turgeon (ed.) Marine ecosystems modeling. NOAA Publ., Washington, D.C. 1983. 131-158.

The decline of submerged vascular plants in upper Chesapeake Bay: Summary of results concerning possible causes. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton, J. C. Stevenson, R. R. Twilley, and J. C. Means. 1983. Marine Technology Society Journal 17: 78-79.

Production ecology of seagrass communities in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Wetzel, R. L. and P. A. Penhale. 1983. Marine Technology Society Journal 17: 22-31.

Structural and functional aspects of the ecology of submerged aquatic macrophyte communities in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Volume I: Studies of structures and function of a temperate, estuarine seagrass community: Vaucluse Shores, lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, U.S.A. Wetzel, R. L. Final Grant Report, U.S. E.P.A Chesapeake Bay Program, nos. R805974 and X003245-01,Annapolis, Maryland, and VIMS Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering No. 267, Gloucester Point, Virginia. 1983.

Structural and functional aspects of the ecology of submerged aquatic macrophyte communities in the lower Chesapeake Bay, Volume II; Submarine light quantity and quality in the lower Chesapeake Bay and its potential role in the ecology of submerged seagrass communities. Wetzel, R. L. and R. F. van Tine (eds.). Final Grant Report, U.S. E.P.A. Chesapeake Bay Program, nos. R805974 and X003245-01, Annapolis, Maryland and VIMS Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering no. 267, Gloucester Point, Virginia. 1983.


Ecological role and value of submerged macrophyte communities: a scientific summary. Boynton, W. R. In: E. Macalaster, D. Barker, M. Kaser, eds. Chesapeake Bay Program Technical Studies: A Synthesis. U.S. EPA, NTIS, Springfield, Virginia. 1982. 428-502.

The decline of submerged macrophyte systems in Chesapeake Bay: Modeling the eco/energetic and socio/economic implications. Boynton, W., W. M. Kemp, A. Hermann, J. Kahn, T. Scheler, S. Bollinger, S. Longergan, and J. Zucchetto. In: W. Mitsch, R. Bosserman, J. Kloatik (eds.). Energy and ecological modeling. Elservier, Amsterdam. 1982. 441-454.

Atrazine toxicity to submersed vascular plants in simulated estuarine microcosms. Correll, D. L. and T. L. Wu. 1982. Aquatic Botany 14: 151-158.

Degradation of atrazine in estuarine water/sediment and selected soils. Jones, T. W., W. M. Kemp, J. C. Stevenson, and J. C. Means. 1982. Journal of Environmental Quality 11: 632-638.

Herbicides in Chesapeake Bay and the effects on submerged aquatic vegetation. Kemp, W. M., J. C. Means, T. W. Jones, and J. C. Stevenson. In: Chesapeake Bay Program Technical Studies: A Synthesis, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C., 1982. 503-567.

Nitrogen cycling at estuarine interfaces. Kemp, W. M., R. L. Wetzel, W. R. Boynton, C. D'Elia, and C. Stevenson. In: V.S. Kennedy (ed) Estuarine Comparisons. Academy Press, NY. 1982. 209-220.

A rapid technique for preparation of aquatic macrophyte samples for measuring C incorporation. Lewis, M. R., W. M. Kemp, J. J. Cunningham, and J. C. Stevenson. 1982. Aquatic Botany 13: 203-207.

The effect of fertilizers on transplanted, Zostera marina L., in the Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. In: F. J. Webb (ed.), Proc. Ninth Annual Conference Community College, Tampa, Florida, May 20-21. 1982.

An overview of atrazine dynamics in estuarine ecosystems. Stevenson, J. C., T. W. Jones, W. M. Kemp, W. R. Boynton, and J. C. Means. In: J. D. Costlow, L. E. Cronin, T. B. Duke, and W. McClellan (eds.). Agrichemicals and estuarine productivity. John Wiley Publishers. 1982.

An overview of atrazine dynamics in estuarine ecosystems. Stevenson, J. C., T. W. Jones, W. M. Kemp, W. R. Boynton, and J. C. Means. In: J. D. Costlow, L .E. Cronin, T. B. Duke, and W. McClellan (eds.) agrichemicals and estuarine productivity. NOAA Publication, Washington, D.C. 1982. 71-94.

Light and submerged macrophyte communities in the Chesapeake Bay: A scientific summary. Wetzel, R. L., R. F. van Tine, and P. A. Penhale. SRAMSOE260, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA. 1982. 59 pp.


Microcosms, macrophytes and hierarchies: Environmental research in the Chesapeake Bay. Kemp, W. M., M. Lewis, J. Cunningham, J. C. Stevenson, and W. Boynton. In: J. Giesy (ed.) Microcosm Research in Ecology. ERDA Conf. Ser.,NTIS, Springfield, VA. 1980. 911-939.


A research design for understanding and managing complex environmental resource systems. Boynton, W. R., W. M. Kemp, and J. C. Stevenson. In: R. R. Johnson and J. F. McCormick (eds.) Strategies for the protection and management of wetlands and other riparian ecosystems. U.S. department of Agriculture, Forest Service, GTR-WO-12, Washington, D.C. 1979. 169-177.

Nitrogen fixation associated with four species of submersed angiosperms in the central Chesapeake Bay. Lipschultz, F. J., J. J. Cunningham, and J. C. Stevenson. 1979. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 9: 813-818.


Summary of available information on Chesapeake Bay submerged vegetation. Stevenson, J. C. and N. M. Confer, Eds. 1978. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services. FWS/OBS-78/66. 335 pp.


Effects of nutrient enrichment on the growth of Zostera marina, in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. Orth, R. J. 1977. Marine Biology 44: 187-194.


Aquatic plant die-offs in Chesapeake Bay: relationship to light penetration and/or herbicide pollution. Correll, D. C., T. Wu, and J. W. Pierce. Vol. I EPA903/9-76-001. 1976a. 11 pp.

Aquatic plant die-offs in Chesapeake Bay; relationship to light penetration and/or herbicide ppollution. Correll, D. C., T. Wu, and J. W. Pierce. Vol. II EPA 903/9-76-001. 1976b. 9 pp.


Temperature and rooted aquatic plants. Anderson, R. R. 1969. Chesapeake Science 10: 157-164.


The mineral content of Myriophyllum spicatum L. in relation to its aquatic environment. Anderson, R. R., R. G. Brown, and R. D. Rappleye. 1967. Ecology 47: 844-846.

Pest plant control with herbicides. Steenis, J. H., E. W. Ball, V. D. Stotts, and C. K. Rawls. In: Proceedings Marsh Estuary Management Symposium, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. 1967. 140-148.


Mineral composition of Eurasian watermilfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum. Anderson, R. R., R. G. Brown, and R. D. Rappleye. 1965. Chesapeake Science 6: 68-72.

Tidal dispersal of herbicides to control Eurasian watermilfoil in the Chesapeake Bay. Steenis, J. H. and V. D. Stotts. 1965. Proceedings Southern Weed Conference 18: 507-511.


Ecology and mineral nutrition of Myriophyllum spicatum (L.). Anderson, R. R. M.S. Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park. 1964. 42 pp.


Progress Report on control of Eurasian watermilfoil. Steenis, J. H. and V. D. Stotts. 1961. Proceedings Northeast Weed Control Conference 15: 566-570.

Masters Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations


Influences of habitat conditions on submerged aquatic vegetation development in the Chickahominy River and other Virginia tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. Shields, E.C. 2008. MS Thesis. College of William and Mary. 141 pp.


Effects of thermal effluent from C.P. Crane generating station on the submersed aquatic vegetation in the Saltpeter-Dundee Creek system. Beser, T. M. 2007. MS Thesis. University of Maryland College Park.


Effects of pre-existing submersed macrophytes on the invasion success of Hydrilla verticillata. Chadwell, T. B. 2004. MS Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park.


Spatial structure and heterongeneity in beds of the seagrass Ruppia maritima and comparison to ecological variables. Schulte, K. E. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park. 2003.


Relationship between seagrass growth and survival and environmental conditions in a lower Chesapeake Bay tributary. Moore, K. A. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland, College Park. 1997.


The effects of hydraulic clam dredging on nearshore turbidity and light attenuation in Chesapeake Bay, MD. Ruffin, K. K. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland. 1995.


Interacting effects of light and sediment sulfide on (Zostera marina L.) growth. Kuhn, W.A. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park. 1992.


Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus additions to waters overlying estuarine populations of two submersed vascular plants. Neundorfer, J. V. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park. 1990.


Effects of submersed macrophytes on nitrogen cycling in estuarine sediments. Caffrey, J. M. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland, College Park. 1989.


Aspects of the ecology of estuarine light with special reference to seagrasses of the Chesapeake Bay: measurements and models. van Tine, R. F. Ph.D. Dissertation. College of William and Mary. 1987. 139 pp.


Temperature adaptation in seagrasses. Evans, A. S. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1984. 75 pp.

Responses of epiphytic algae to nitrogen and phosphorous enrichment and effects of productivity on the host plant, Potamogeton perfoliatus L., in estuarine waters. Staver, K. W. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park. 1984.


Responses of the submerged vascular plant, Potamogeton perfoliatus L., to variable light regimes in an estuarine environment. Goldsborough, W. J. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park. 1983.

Metabolic and structural studies of several temperate seagrass communities, with emphasis on microalgal components. Murray, L. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary, 1983. 90 pp.


Adenine nucleotide levels and adenylate energy charge in Zostera marina; determination and application. Delistraty, D. Ph.D. Dissertation. College of William and Mary. 1982. 227 pp.


Responses of microcosm communities containing submerged aquatic vegetation to herbicide stress. Cunningham, J. J. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park. 1979.

An investigation of some homeostatic properties of model ecosystems in terms of community metabolism and component interactions. Lewis, M. R. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park. 1979.


Plant ecology of the upper Patuxent River estuary with special reference to the effects of thermal pollution on macrophytes. Anderson, R. R. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland, College Park. 1966. 99 pp.



4. Animal Interactions

Published Papers and Reports


Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Sentinel Species in a Changing World. Orth, R. J., W. C. Dennison, J. S. Lefcheck, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. Keisman, J. B. Landry, K. A. Moore, R. R. Murphy, C. J. Patrick, J. Testa, D. E. Weller, and D. J. Wilcox. 2017. BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 8, August 2017, Pages 698–712,


Faunal communities are invariant to fragmentation in experimental seagrass landscapes.Lefcheck, J. S., S. R. Marion, A.V. Lombana, and R. J. Orth. 2016. PloS ONE. 11(5): e0156550. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156550.

Predator-prey Interactions in a Restored Eelgrass Ecosystem: Strategies for Maximizing Success of a Reintroduced Species, Argopecten irradians. Schmitt, E. L., M. W. Luckenbach, J. S. Lefcheck, and R. J. Orth. 2016. Restoration Ecology 24:558-565. doi: 10.1111/rec.12353 Supporting information at:


Biodiversity mediates top-down control in eelgrass ecosystems: A global comparative experiment. Duffy, J.E., P.L. Reynolds, C. Bostrφm, J.A. Coyer, M. Cusson, S. Donadi, J.G. Douglass, J. Eklφf, A. Engelen, B.K. Eriksson, S. Fredriksen, L. Gamfeldt, C. Gustafsson, G. Hoarau, M. Hori, K. Hovel, K. Iken, J.S. Lefcheck, P. Moksnes, M. Nakaoka, M.I. O'Connor, J.L. Olsen, J.P. Richardson, J.L. Ruesink, E.E. Sotka, J. Thormar, M.A. Whalen, J.J. Stachowicz.2015. Ecology Letters 18(7): 696-705.

Trophic transfer in seagrass systems: estimating seasonal production of an abundant seagrass fish, Bairdiella chrysoura, in lower Chesapeake Bay. Sobocinski, K. L. and R. J. Latour. 2015. Marine Ecology Progress Series 523:157-174.


Epifaunal invertebrates as predators of juvenile bay scallops (Argopecten irradians). Lefcheck, J. S., J. van Montfrans, R. J. Orth, E. L. Schmitt, J. E. Duffy, and M. W. Luckenbach. 2014. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology 454: 18-25.

Patterns of seagrass community response to local shoreline development. Blake, R.E., J.E. Duffy, and J.P. Richardson. 2014. Estuaries and Coasts 37: 1549. doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9784-7

Evidence of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) seed dispersal by Northern Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) in lower Chesapeake Bay. Tulipani, D.C. and R.N. Lipcius. 2014. PLoS ONE 9(7): e103346.

Can we predict the future: juvenile finfish and their seagrass nurseries in the Chesapeake Bay. C. M. Jones. 2014. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (3): 681-688. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst142


Fish species distribution in seagrass habitats of Chesapeake Bay are structured by abiotic and biotic factors.Schaffler J. J, J. van Montfrans, C. M. Jones, and R. J. Orth. 2013. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 5:114-124. doi: 10.1080/19425120.2013.804013.

Broad-scale association between seagrass cover and juvenile blue crab density in Chesapeake Bay. Ralph, G.M., R. D. Seitz, R. J. Orth, K. E. Knick and R. N. Lipcius. 2013.Marine Ecology Progress Series 488:51-63. doi:10.3354/meps10417.

Historical comparison of fish community structure in lower Chesapeake Bay seagrass habitats. Sobocinski, K. L., R. J. Orth, M. C. Fabrazio, and R. J. Latour. 2013. Estuaries and Coasts 36: 775-794. DOI 10.1007/s 12237-013-9586-3.

Seed burial in Zostera marina (eelgrass): The role of infauna.Blackburn, N. J. and R. J. Orth. 2013. Marine Ecology Progress Series 474:135-145. doi:10.3354/meps10103.

Temporal shifts in top-down vs. bottom-up control of epiphytic algae in a seagrass ecosystem. Whalen, M. A., J. E. Duffy, and J. B. Grace. 2013. Ecology 94 (2): 510-520.


Biotic dispersal potential in Zostera marina (eelgrass). Sumoski, S, and R. J. Orth. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 471:1-10. doi:10.3354/meps10145.

Spectral signatures of hydrilla from a tank and field setting. Blanco, Alfonso, J. J. Qu, and W. E. Roper. 2012. Front. Earth Sci. 6 (4): 453-460. DOI 10.1007/si11707-012-0333-1.

Biotic dispersal in eelgrass Zostera marina. Sumoski, S. E., and R. J. Orth. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 471: 1-10.

Changes in biodiversity and environmental stressors influence community structure of an experimental eelgrass Zostera marina system. Blake, R. E., J. E. Duffy. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 470: 41-54.

Habitat affects survival of translocated bay scallops, Argoepcten irradians concentricus (Say 1822), in lower Chesapeake Bay. Cordero, A. L. P., R. Steiz, R. Lipcius, C. M. Bovery, and D. M. Schulte. 2012. Estuaries and Coasts 35: 1340-1345. DOI 10: 1007/s12237-012-9510-2.


Seagrass habitat loss and fragmentation influence management strategies for a blue crab Callinectes sapidus fishery. Mizerek, T., H. M. Reagan, and K. A. Hovel. 2011. Marine Ecology Progress Series 427: 247-257.

Food web structure in a Chesapeake Bay eelgrass bed as determined through gut contents and 13C and 15N isotope analysis. Douglass, J.G., J. E. Duffy, and E. A. Canuel. 2011. Estuaries and Coasts 34: 701-711. DOI 10. 1007/s12237-10-9356-4.


Seasonal and interannual change in a Chesapeake Bay eelgrass community: insights into biotic and abiotic control of community structure. Douglass, J. G., K. E. France, J. P. Richardson, and J. E. Duffy. 2010. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 1499-1520.

Using a fisheries ecosystem model with a water quality model to explore trophic and habitat impacts on a fisheries stock: A case study of the blue crab population in the Chesapeake Bay. Ma, H., H. Townsend, X. Zhang, M. Sigrist, and V. Christensen. 2010. Ecological Modelling 221: 997-1004.


Epifaunal community composition and nutrient addition after sediment organic matter composition in a natural eelgrass Zostera marina bed: a field experiment. Spivak, A. C., E. A. Canuel, and J. E. Duffy. 2009. Marine Ecology Progress Series 376: 55-67.


Herbivore and predator diversity interactively affect ecosystem properties in an experimental marine community. Douglass, J. G., J. E. Duffy, and J. F. Bruno. 2008. Ecology Letters 11: 598-608.

Trophic transfers from seagrass meadows subsidize diverse marine and terrestrial consumers. Heck, K. L., Jr., T. J. B. Carruthers, C. M. Duarte, R. J. Orth, A. R. Hughes, G. A. Kendrick, S. Olyarnik, M. Waycott, and S. L. Williams. 2008. Ecosystems 11: 1198-1210.

Spatial and temporal variability of juvenile spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus growth in Chesapeake Bay. Smith, N., C. Jones, and J. van Montfrans. 2008. J. of Fish Biology 73: 597-607.


Biodiversity and food web structure influence short-term accumulation of sediment organic matter in an experimental seagrass system. Canuel, E. A., A. C. Spivak, E. J. Waterson, and J. E. Duffy. 2007. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 590-602.

Nutrient versus consumer control of community structure in a Chesapeake Bay eelgrass habitat. Douglass, J. G., J. E. Duffy, A. C. Spivak, and J. P. Richardson. 2007. Marine Ecology Progress Series 348: 71-83.

The functional role of biodiversity in food webs: Incorporating trophic complexity. Duffy, J. E., B. J. Cardinale, K. E. France, P. B. McIntyre, E. Thébault, and M. Loreau. 2007. Ecology Letters 10: 522-538.

Restoration of waterbird habitats in Chesapeake Bay: Great exectations or Sisyhus revisited. Erwin, R. M. and R. A. Beck. 2007. Waterbirds 30 (Spec. Publ 1): 163-176.

Ecology of postlarval and young juvenile blue crabs. Lipcius, R. N., D. B. Eggleston, K. L. Heck, Jr., R. D. Seitz and J. van Montfrans. 2007. In: The Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus. (Eds. Victor S. Kennedy and L. Eugene Cronin) 535-564. University of Maryland Sea Grant Press, 800 pp.

Long-term changes in abundance and diversity of macrophyte and waterfowl populations in an estuary with exotic macrophytes and improving water quality. Rybicki, N. B. and J. M. Landwehr. 2007. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1195-1207.


Effects of biodiversity on the functioning of trophic groups and ecosystems: A meta-analysis. Cardinale, B. J., D. S. Srivastava, J. E. Duffy, J. P. Wright, A. L. Downing, M. Sankaran, and C. Jouseau. 2006. Nature 443: 989-992.

Relating otolith chemistry to surface-water chemistry in a coastal plain estuary. Dorval, E., C. Jones, R. Hannigan, and J. van Montfrans. 2006. Can. J. of Fish. & Aquatic Sci. 64: 411-424.

Biodiversity and the functioning of seagrass ecosystems. Duffy, J. E. 2006. Marine Ecology Progress Series 311: 233-250.

Why biodiversity is important to oceanograhy: potential roles of genetic, species, and trophic diversity in pelagic ecosystem processes. Duffy, J. E. and J. J. Stachowicz. 2006. Marine Ecology Progress Series 311: 179-189.

Consumer diversity mediates invasion dynamics at multiple trophic levels. France, K. E. and J. E. Duffy. 2006. Oikos 113: 515-529.

Diversity and dispersal interactively affect predictability of ecosystem function. France, K. E. and J. E. Duffy. 2006. Nature 441: 1139-1143.

Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services. Worm, B., E. B. Barbier, N. Beaumont, J. E. Duffy, C. Folke, B. S. Halpern, J. B. C. Jackson, H. K. Lotze, F. Micheli, S. R. Palumbi, E. Sala, K. A. Selkoe, J. J. Stachowicz, and R. Watson. 2006. Science 314: 787-790.


Can otolith chemistry be used for identifying essential seagrass habitats for juvenile spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in Chesapeake Bay? Dorval, E., C. M. Jones, R. Hannigan, and J. van Montfrans. 2005. Marine and Freshwater Research 56: 645-653.

Ecosystem consequences of diversity depend on food chain length in estuarine vegetation. Duffy, J. E., J. P. Richardson, and K. E. France. 2005. Ecology Letters 8: 301-309.

Density abundance and survival of the blue crab in seagrass and unstructured salt marsh nurseries of Chesapeake Bay. Lipcius, R. N., R. D. Seitz, M. S. Seebo, and D. Colon-Carrion. 2005. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319: 69-80.

Food availabilty and growth of the blue crab in seagrass and unvegetated nurseries of Chesapeake Bay. Seitz, R. D., R. N. Lipcius, and M. S. Seebo. 2005. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319: 57-68.


Grazer diversity effects on ecosystem functioning in seagrass beds. Duffy, J. E., J. P. Richardson, and E. A. Canuel. 2003. Ecology Letters 6: 637-645.

Substrate selection by blue crab Callinectes sapidus megalopae and first juvenile instars. van Montfrans, J., C. H. Ryer, and R. J. Orth. 2003. Marine Ecology Progress Series 260: 209-217.


Faunal colonization of artificial seagrass plots: The importance of surface area versus space size relative to body size. Bartholomew, A. 2002. Estuaries 25: 1045-1052.

Critical evaluation of the nursey role hypothesis for seagrass meadows. Heck, K. L. Jr., G. Hays, and R. J. Orth. 2002. Marine Ecology Progress Series 25: 123-136.

Effects of seagrass habitat fragmentation on juvenile blue crab survival and abundance. Hovel, K. A. and R. N. Lipcius. 2002. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 271: 75-98.

Habitat quality and prey size as determinants of survival in post-larval and early juvenile instars of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Orth, R. J. and J. van Montfrans. 2002. Marine Ecology Progress Series 231: 205-213.

The response of fishes to submerged aquatic vegetation complexity in two ecoregions of the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Buzzards Bay and Chesapeake Bay. Wyda, J. C., L. A. Deegan, J. E. Hughes, and M. J. Weaver. 2002. Estuaries 25: 86-100.


The identification, conservation, and management of estuarine and marine nurseries for fish and invertebrates. Beck, M. W., K. L. Heck, Jr., K. W. Able, D. L. Childers, D. B. Eggleston, B. M. Gillanders, B. Halpern, C. G. Hays, K. Hoshino, T. J. Minello, R. J. Orth, P. F. Sheridan, and M. P. Weinstein. 2001. BioScience 51: 633-641.

Species-specific impacts of grazing amphipods in an eelgrass-bed community. Duffy, J. E. and A. M. Harvilicz. 2001. Marine Ecology Progress Series 223: 201-211.

Grazer diversity, functional redundancy, and productivity in seagrass beds: an experimental test. Duffy, J. E., K. S. Macdonald, J. M. Rhode, and J. D. Parker. 2001. Ecology 82: 2417-2434.

Influence of a tube-dwelling polychaete on the dispersal of fragmented reproductive shoots of eelgrass. Harwell, M. C. and R. J. Orth. 2001. Aquatic Botany 70: 1-7.

Habitat fragmentation in a seagrass landscape: patch size and complexity control blue crab survival. Hovel, K. A. and R. N. Lipcius. 2001. Ecology 82: 1814-1829.

Plant species diversity and composition: experimental effects on marine epifaunal assemblages. Parker, J. D., J. E. Duffy, and R. J. Orth. 2001. Marine Ecology Progress Series 224: 55-67.


Seasonal variations in (Zostera marina L.) responses to nutrient enrichment and reduced light availability in experimental ecosystems. Moore, K. A. and R. L. Wetzel. 2000. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 244: 1-28.


Effects of a deposit-feeding invertebrate on the entrapment of Zostera marina L. seeds. Luckenbach, M. W. and R. J. Orth. 1999. Aquatic Botany 62: 235-247.

Ontogenetic changes in habitat use by postlarvae and young juveniles of the blue crab. Pardieck, R. A., R. J. Orth, R. J. Diaz, R. N. Lipcius. 1999. Marine Ecology Progress Series 186: 227-238.


Cannibal-prey dynamics in young juveniles and postlarvae of the blue crab. Moksnes, P.O., R. N. Lipcius, L. Pihl, J. van Montfrans. 1997. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 215: 157-187.

Cannibalism, refugia and the molting blue crab. Ryer, C. H., J. van Montfrans, K. E. Moody. 1997. Marine Ecology Progress Series 147: 77-85.


Effects of predation on Zostera marina seed abundance. Fishman, J. R. and R. J. Orth. 1996. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 198: 11- 26.

Utilization of seagrass habitat by the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun in Chesapeake Bay: A review. Orth, R. J., J. van Montfrans, R. N. Lipcius, and K. S. Metcalf. In: Seagrass Biology: Proceedings of an International Workshop. Rottnest Island, Western Australia. J. Kuo, R. C. Phillips, D. I. Walker and H. Kirkman (eds.). Western Australian Museum, Perth. 1996. 213-224.

Nursery role of seagrass beds: enhanced growth of juvenile blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Perkins-Visser, Rathbun E., T. G. Wolcott, and D. L. Wolcott. 1996. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 198: 155-173.

Review of factors affecting the distribution and abundance by waterfowl in shallow-water habitats of Chesapeake Bay. Perry, M. C. and A. S. Deller. 1996. Estuaries 19: 272-278.

Density-dependent settler-recruit-juvenile relationships in blue crabs. Pile, A. J., R. N. Lipcius, J. van Montfrans, and R. J. Orth. 1996. Ecological Monographs 66: 277-300.


Settlement indices for blue crab megalopae in Chesapeake Bay: temporal relationships and statistical efficiency. Metcalf, K. S., J. van Montfrans, R. N. Lipcius, and R. J. Orth. 1995. Bulletin of Marine Science 57: 781-792.

Waterfowl population trends in the Chesapeake Bay area. Perry, M. C. and A. S. Deller. In: P. Hill and S. Nelson (eds.), Toward a Sustainable Coastal Watershed: The Chesapeake Experiment. Proceedings of a Conference. Chesapeake Research Consortium Publication No. 149, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc. Edgewater, Maryland. 1995. 490-500.

Trophic ecology of two (Syngnathidae) of the lower York River, Virginia. Teixeira, R. L. and J. A. Musick. 1995. Environmental Biology of Fishes 43: 295-309.

Settlement of blue crab megalopae in western Atlantic estuaries. van Montfrans, J., C. E. Epifanio, D. M. Knott, R. N. Lipicius, D. J. Mense, K. S. Metcalf, E. J. Olmi, III, R. J. Orth, M. H. Posey, E. L. Wenner, and T. M. West. 1995. Bulletin of Marine Science 57: 834-854.


Relative responses by epiphytic photoautotrophs and heterotrophs in Zostera marina (eelgrass) microcasms: Responses to nutrient enrichment and grazing. Neckles, H. A., E. T. Koefler, L. W. Haas, R. L. Wetzel, and R. J. Orth. 1994. Estuaries 17: 597-605.

The Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea) invasion and system-level ecological change in the Potomac River estuary near Washington, D.C. Phelps, H. L. 1994. Estuaries 17: 614-621.


Resource protection for waterbirds in Chesapeake Bay. Erwin, R. M., G. M. Haramis, and D. G. Krementz. 1993. Environmental Management 17: 613-619.


Swimming velocities and behavior of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) megalopae in still and flowing water. Luckenbach, M. L. and R. J. Orth. 1992. Estuaries 15: 186-192.

A perspective on plant-animal interactions in seagrasses: physical and biological determinants influencing plant and animal abundance. Orth, R. J. In: D. M. John, S. J. Hawkins, and J. H. Price (eds.). Plant-Animal Interactions in the Marine Benthos. Systematics Special Volume No. 46, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 570. 1992. 147-164.


Littoral and intertidal systems of the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. Orth, R. J., K. L. Heck, Jr., and R. J. Diaz. In: A. C. Mathieson and P. H. Nienhuis (eds.) Ecosystems of the World. Vol. 24. Intertidal and Littoral Ecosystems. Elsevier. The Netherlands. 1991. 193-214.

Population dynamics of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in a lower Chesapeake Bay tidal marsh creek. van Montfrans, J., C. H. Ryer, and R. J. Orth. 1991. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 153: l-14.


Secondary production within a seagrass bed (Zostera marina - Ruppia maritima) in lower Chesapeake Bay. Fredette, T. J., R. J. Diaz, J. van Montfrans, and R. J. Orth. 1990. Estuaries 13: 431-440.

Planktonic availability, molt stage and settlement of blue crab postlarvae. Lipicius, R. N., E. J. Olmi, III, and J. van Montfrans. 1990. Marine Ecology Progress Series 58: 235-242.

Variations in structure of estuarine fish communities in relation to abundance of submersed vascular plants. Lubbers, L., W. R. Boynton, and W. M. Kemp. 1990. Marine Ecology Progress Series 65: 1-14.

Variation in planktonic availability and settlement of blue crab megalopae in the York River, Virginia. Olmi, E. J., III, J. van Montfrans, R. N. Licius, R. J. Orth, and P. W. Sadler. 1990. Bulletin of Marine Science 46: 230-243.

Utilization of marsh and seagrass habitats by early stages of Callinectes sapidus: A latitudinal perpsective. Orth, R. J. and J. van Montfrans. 1990. Bulletin of Marine Science 46: 126-144.

Utilization of a seagrass meadow and tidal marsh creek by blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun. Spatial and temporal patterns of molting. Ryer, C. H., J. van Montfrans, and R. J. Orth. 1990. Bulletin of Marine Science 46: 95-104.

Daily, monthly and annual settlement patterns by Callinectes sapidus and Neoanoe sayi megalopae on artificial collectors deployed in the York River, Virginia: 1985-1988. van Montfrans, J., C. Perry, and R. J. Orth. 1990. Bulletin of Marine Science 46: 214-229.


Movement of blue crab megalopae into Chesapeake Bay: Observational evidence for a wind driven mechanism. Goodrich, D. J., J. van Montfrans, and R. J. Orth. 1989. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 29: 247-260.

Seasonal and temporal distribution and abundance of fishes associated with submersed aquatic plants. Killgore, K. J., R. P. Morgan II, and N. Rybicki. 1989. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 9: 101-111.


Nearshore ichthyoplankton associated with seagrass beds in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Olney, J. E. and G. W. Boehlert. 1988. Marine Ecology Progress Series 45: 33-43.

Food habits and distribution of wintering canvasbacks Aythya vallisineria on Chesapeake Bay. Perry, M. C. and F. M. Uhler. 1988. Estuaries 11: 57-67.

Pipefish foraging: Effects of the fish size, prey size and altered habitat complexity. Ryer, C. H. 1988. Marine Ecology Progress Series 48: 37-45.


Utilization of a seagrass meadow and tidal marsh creek by blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus rathbun. I. Seasonal and annual variations in abundance with an emphasis on post-settlement juveniles. Orth, R. J. and J. van Montfrans. 1987. Marine Ecology Progress Series 41:283-294.

Waterfowl of Chesapeake Bay. Perry, M. C. In: S. K. Majumdar, L. W. Hall, Jr. and H. M. Austin (eds.), Contaminant Problems and Management of Living Chesapeake Resources. The Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Philadelphia. 1987. 94-115.

The role of submerged aquatic vegetation in influencing the abundance of nekton on contiguous tidal fresh-water marshes. Rozas, L. P. and W. E. Odum. 1987. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 114: 289-300.

Feeding ecology of the northern pipefish, Syngnathus fuscus, in a lower Chesapeake Bay seagrass community. Ryer, C. H. and R. J. Orth. 1987. Estuaries 10: 330-336.

Temporal patterns of blue crab feeding in a lower Chesapeake Bay tidal marsh creek and adjacent seagrass meadow. Ryer, C. H. 1987. Estuaries 10: 136-140.


The effects of grazers and light penetration on the survival of transplants of Vallisneria americana Michx in the tidal Potomac River, Maryland. Carter, V. and N. Rybicki. 1986. Aquatic Botany 23: 197-213.

Benefit taxation for environmental improvement: a case example of Virginia's soft crab industry. Shabman, L. S. 1986. Land Economics 61: 398-408.

Life history of Gammarus mucronatus Say (Amhioda: Gammaridae) in warm temerate estuarine habitats, York River, Virginia. Fredette, T. J. and R. J. Diaz. 1986. Journal Crustacean Biology 6: 57-78.

Secondary production of Gammarus mucronatus Say (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) in warm temperate estuarine habitats, York River, Virginia. Fredette, T. J. and R. J. Diaz. 1986. Journal Crustacean Biology 6: 729-741.

Use of microwire tags for tagging juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun). van Montfrans, J., J. F. Capelli, R. J. Orth, and C. H. Ryer. 1986. Journal Crustacean Biology 6: 370-376.


The nursery role of seagrass meadows in the upper and lower Chesapeake Bay. Heck, K. L., Jr. and T. A. Thoman. 1984. Estuaries 7: 70-92.

The role of micrograzing on seagrass periphyton: a review. Orth, R. J. and J. van Montfrans. 1984. Aquatic Botany 18: 43-69.

Faunal communities in seagrass beds: A review of the influence of plant structure and prey characteristics on predator-prey relationships. Orth, R. J., K. L. Heck, Jr., and J. van Montfrans. 1984. Estuaries 7: 339-350.

Faunal relationships in seagrass and marsh ecosystems. Orth, R. J., K. L. Heck, Jr., and M. P. Weinstein. 1984. Estuaries (Special issue consisting of 7 seagrass and 7 marsh papers by different authors) 7: 273-470.

Epiphyte-grazer relationships in seagrass meadows: Consequences for seagrass growth and production. van Montfrans, J., R. L. Wetzel, and R. J. Orth. 1984. Estuaries 7: 289-309


Feeding chronology, daily ration, and the effects of temperature upon gastric evaluation in the pipefish, Syngnathus fuscus. Ryer, C. H. and G. W. Boehlert. 1983. Environmental Biology of Fisheries 9: 301-306.

Population dynamics of an estuarine-dependent fish, the spot, along a tidal creek-seagrass meadow coenocline. Weinstein, M. P. 1983. Canadian Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Science 40: 1633-1638.

Comparative ecology of nekton residing in a tidal creek and adjacent seagrass meadow: community composition and structure. Weinstein, M. P. and H. A. Brooks. 1983. Marine Ecology Progress Series 12: 15-25.


Structural and functional aspects of the ecology of submerged macrophyte communities in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Vol. III. Interactions of resident consumers in a temperate estuarine seagrass community: Vaucluse Shores, Virginia, U.S.A. Orth, R. J. and J. van Montfrans. Final Report U.S. EPA Grant No. R805974 and Virginia Institute of Marine Science SRAMSOE No.267. 1982. 238 pp.

Submerged aquatic vegetation: Distribution and abundance in the lower Chesapeake Bay and interactive effects of light, epiphytes and grazers. Orth, R. J., K. A. Moore, and J. van Montfrans. Final Report. U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Grant No. X003246. 1982. 141 .

Preliminary studies of Bittium varium grazing on periphyton. van Montfrans, J., R. J. Orth, and S. Vay. 1982. Aquatic Botany 14: 75-90.


Distribution and abundance of waterfowl and submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay. Munro, R. E. and M. C. Perry. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS 78/DX0391. 1981.

Twenty-five year trends in Chesapeake Bay diving duck populations. Perry, M. C., R. E. Munro, and G. M. Haramis. Proceedings 46th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 1981. 299-310.


Seagrass habitats: The roles of habitat complexity, competition and predation in structuring associated fish and motile macroinvertebrate assemblages. Heck, K. L., Jr. and R. J. Orth. In: V. S. Kennedy (ed.) Estuarine Persectives, Academic Press, New York. 1980. 449-464.

Structural components of Zostera marina in the lower Chesapeake Bay - Decapod Crustacea. Heck, K. L. and R. J. Orth. 1980. Estuaries 3: 289-295.

Structural components of Zostera marina meadows in the lower Chesapeake Bay - Fishes. Orth, R. J. and K. L. Heck. 1980. Estuaries 3: 278-288.


Rehabilitation of birds oiled on two mid-Atlantic estuaries. Perry, M. C., F. Ferrigno, and F. H. Settle. 1978. Proceedings Southeastern Association Game and Fish commissioners 32: 318-325.

Summary of available information on Chesapeake Bay submerged vegetation. Stevenson, J. C. and N. M. Confer, Eds. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services. FWS/OBS-78/66. 1978. 335 pp.


The effect of Hurricane Agnes on the benthic fauna of Zostera marina, in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J. In: The effects of Tropical Storm Agnes on the Chesapeake Bay estuarine system. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 1977. 566-583.

The importance of sediment stability in seagrass communities. Orth, R. J. In: Ecology of Marine Benthos, B. C. Coull (ed.). University of South Carolina Press, Columbia. 1977. 281-300.


Ecology of the gastropod epifauna of in a Virginia estuary. Marsh, G. A. 1976. Chesapeake Science 17: 182-187.


Destruction of Zostera marina, by the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus, in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. Orth, R. J. 1975. Chesapeake Science 16: 205-208.


The Zostera epifaunal community in the York River, Virginia. Marsh, G. A. 1973. Chesapeake Science. 14: 87-97.

Benthic infauna of Zostera marina, beds. Orth, R. J. 1973. Chesapeake Science 14: 258-269.


Habitat and breeding ecology-east-central United States. Stotts, V. D. In: P. Barske (ed.), Black duck evaluation, management and research: a symosium Atlantic Waterfowl council wildlife Management Institute. 1969. 193 pp.


Fishes of Isle of Wight and Assawoman Bays near Ocean City, Maryland. Schwartz, F. J. 1964. Chesapeake Science 5: 172-193.


The black duck in the Chesapeake Bay of Maryland: breeding behavior and biology. Stotts, V. D. and D. E. Davis. 1960. Chesapeake Science l: 127-154.


The black duck Anas rubripes in the upper Chesapeake Bay and its estuaries. Stotts, V. D. 1956. Proceedings Southeastern Association Game Fish Commission Conference 10: 280-285.


Food of game ducks in the United States and Canada. Martin, A. C. and F. M. Uhler. U. S. department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 634, Washington, D. C. 1939. 308 pp.

Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations


Effects of habitat fragmentation on the utilization of (Zostera marina) by mobile epifauna and macrofauna. Marion, S. R. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 2001. 98 pp.


Does plant diversity control animal diversity? An experimental approach. Parker, J. D. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1998. 74 pp.


The influence of location, seagrass secies and water depth on the settlement and distribution of early stage blue crabs. Pardieck, R. A. Masters Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1996. 57 pp.


The role of predation on Zostera marina L. seed abundance. Fishman, J. R. Masters Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1994. 62 pp.


Cannabalism experiments with the blue crab Callinectes sapidus: potential effects of size and abundance. Peery, C. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1989. 29 pp.


Studies of pipefish foraging in simulated seagrass habitats. Ryer, C. H. Ph.D. Dissertation. College of William and Mary. 1987. 90 pp.


Life history and secondary production of the crustacean Gammarus mucronatus Say in warm temperate estuarine habitats, York River, Va. Fredette, T. J. College of William and Mary. 1983.


Zooplankton communities in Chesapeake Bay seagrass systems. Meyer, C. E. M.S. Thesis, College of William and Mary. 1982. 96 pp.

Utilization of a Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima habitat by four decapods with emphasis on Callinectes sapidus. Penry, Deborah. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1982. 101 pp.


Reproduction biology and recreational fishery for spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in the Chesapeake Bay area. Brown, N. J. M.S. Thesis, College of William and Mary. 1981. 120 pp.

Fish predator-prey interactions in areas of Zostera marina. Lascara, J. M.S. Thesis, College of William and Mary. 1981. 81 pp.

The feeding ecology and trophic role of the northern pipefish, Synathus fuscus, in lower Chesapeake Bay seagrass community. Ryer, C. H. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1981. 77 pp.

Waterfowl utilization of a submerged vegetation (Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima) bed in the lower Chesapeake Bay area. Wilkins, E. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1981. 120 pp.


The life history of the cownose ray, Rhinotera Bonasus (Mitchill) in Lower Chesapeake Bay, with notes on the management of the species. Smith, J. W. M.A. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1980. 151 pp.


The role of disturbance in an Zostera marina community, Orth, R. J. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland. 1975. 115 pp.


The comparative ecology of two secies of pipefish (Syngnathidae) in the York River, Virginia. Mercer, L.. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 1973. 37 pp.


Benthic infauna of Zostera marina, beds. Orth, R. J. M.S. Thesis. University of Virginia. 1971. 79 pp.


A seasonal study of Zostera epibiota in the York River, Va. Marsh, G. A. Ph.D. Dissertation. College of William and Mary. 1970. 156 pp.



5. Restoration and Management

Published Papers and Reports


Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region Lefcheck J. S., R. J. Orth, W. C. Dennison, D. J. Wilcox, R. R. Murphy, J. Keisman, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. B. Landry, K.A. Moore, C.J. Patrick, J.Testa, D. E. Weller, R. A. Batiuk. 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (14) 3658-3662; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1715798115


Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Sentinel Species in a Changing World. Orth, R. J., W. C. Dennison, J. S. Lefcheck, C. Gurbisz, M. Hannam, J. Keisman, J. B. Landry, K. A. Moore, R. R. Murphy, C. J. Patrick, J. Testa, D. E. Weller, and D. J. Wilcox. 2017. BioScience, Volume 67, Issue 8, August 2017, Pages 698–712,

Boat propeller scarring of seagrass beds in lower Chesapeake Bay, USA: Patterns, causes, recovery, and management. Orth, R. J., J. S. Lefcheck, and D. J. Wilcox. 2017.Estuaries and Coasts. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-017-0239-9.

The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, industry collapse in Virginia and its implications for the successful seagrass-scallop management. Oreska, M. P., B. Truitt, R. J. Orth, and M. W. Luckenbach. 2017.Marine Policy. 75:116-124.

Actively restored ecosystems as a refuge for biological diversity: A case study from eelgrass (Zostera marina L.). Lefcheck, J. S., S. R. Marion, and R. J. Orth. 2017. Estuaries and Coasts 40: 200-212. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-016-0141-x


Ecosystem services returned through restoration. Reynolds, L. K., M. Waycott, K. J. McGlathery, R. J. Orth. 2016. Restoration Ecology 24:583-588. doi: 10.1111/rec.12360.

Global review of seagrass restoration and the importance of large-scale planting. van Katwijk, M. M., A. Thorhaug, N. Marbΰ, R. J. Orth, C. M. Duarte, G. A. Kendrick, I. H. J. Althuizen, E. Balestri, G. Bernard, M. L. Cambridge, A. Cunha, C. Durance, W. Giesen, Q. Han, S. Hosokawa, W. Kiswara, T. Komatsu, C. Lardicci, K. S. Lee, A. Meinesz, M. Nakaoka, K. O'Brien, E. I. Paling, C. Pickerell, A. M.A. Ransijn, and J. J. Verduin. 2016. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:567-578. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12562.

Upgrading marine ecosystem restoration using ecological-social concepts. Abelson, A., B. S. Halpern, D. C. Reed, R. J. Orth, G. A. Kendrick, M. W. Beck, J. Belmaker, G. Krause, G. J. Edgar, L. Airoldi, E. Brokovich, R. France, N. Shashar, A. de Blaeij, N. Stambler, P. Salameh, M. Shechter and P. A. Nelson. 2016. Bioscience 66:156-163. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biv171.


The central role of dispersal in the maintenance and persistence of seagrass populations. Kendrick, G. A., M. Waycott, T. J. B. Carruthers, M. L. Cambridge, R. Hovey, S. L. Krauss, P. S. Lavery, D. H. Les, R. J. Lowe, O. M. I. Vidal, J. L. S. Ooi, R. J. Orth, D. O. Rivers, L. Ruiz-Montoya, E. A. Sinclair, J. Statton, J. Kornelis van Dijk, and J. J. Verduin. 2012. BioScience 62: 56-65.

Seed addition facilitates eelgrass recovery in a coastal bay system. Orth, R. J., K. A. Moore S. R. Marion, D. J. Wilcox, and D. B. Parrish. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448:177-195. DOI: 10.3354/meps09522

Seedling establishment in the eelgrass: seed burial effects on winter losses of developing seedlings. 2012. Marion, S .R. and R. J. Orth. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448:197-207. DOI: 10.3354/meps09612.


Extinction risk assessment of the world's seagrass species. Short, F. T., B. Polidoro, S. R. Livingstone, K. E. Carpenter, S. Banderia, J. S. Bujang, H. P. Calumpong, T. J. B. Carruthers, R. G. Coles, W. C. Dennison, P. L A. Erftemeijer, M. D. Fortes, A. S. Freeman, T. G. Jagtap, A. H. M. Kamal, G. A. Kendrick, W. J. Kenworthy, Y. A. LaNafle, I. M. Nasution, R. J. Orth, A. Prathep, J. C. Sanciangco, B. van Tussenbroek, S. G. Vergara, M. Waycott, J. C. Zieman. 2011. Biological Conservation 144: 1961-1971.

Seagrass habitat and fragment influence management strategies for a blue crab Callinectes sapidus fishery. Mizerek, T., H. M. Reagan, K. A. Hovel. 2011. Marine Ecology Series. 427: 247-257.

Spatial patterns in water quality associated with submersed plant beds. Gruber, R. K., D. C, Hinkle, W. M. Kemp. 2011. Estuaries and Coasts DOI 10.1007/s12237-010-9368-0.


Protocols for use of Potamogeton Perfoliatus and Ruppia maritima seeds in large-scale restoration. Ailstock, M. S., D. J. Shafer, and A. D. Magoun. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 560-573. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00696.x

Effects of planting depth, sediment grain size, and nutrients on Ruppia maritima and Potamogeton Perfoliatus seedling emergence and growth. Ailstock, M. S., D. J. Shafer, and A. D. Magoun. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 574-583. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00697.x

Large-Scale Zostera marina (eelgrass) restoration in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA. Part I: A comparison of techniques and associated costs. Busch, K. E., R. R. Golden, T. A. Parham, L. P. Karrh, M. J. Lewandowski, and M. D. Naylor. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 490-500. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00690.x

Large-Scale Zostera marina (eelgrass) restoration in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA. Part II: A comparison of restoration methods in the Patuxent and Potomac rivers. Golden, R. R., K. E. Busch, L. P. Karrh, T. A. Parham, M. J. Lewandowski, and M. D. Naylor. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 501-513. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00691.x

Estuarine restoration of submersed aquatic vegetation: the nursery bed effect. Hengst, A., J. Melton, and L. Murray. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 605-614. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00700.x

The role of currents and waves in the dispersal of submersed angioserm seeds and seedlings. Koch, E. W., M. S. Ailstock, D. M. Booth, D. J. Shafer, and A. D. Magoun. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 584-595. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00698.x

Innovative techniques for large-scale seagrass restoration using Zostera marina (eelgrass) seeds. Marion, S. R. and R. J. Orth. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 514-526. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00692.x (514-526)

Factors influencing seedling establishment rates in Zostera marina and their implications for seagrass restoration. Marion, S. R. and R. J. Orth. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 549-559. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00695.x

The role of habitat and herbivory on the restoration of tidal freshwater submerged aquatic vegetation populations. Moore, K. A., E. C. Shields, and J. C. Jarvis. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 596-604. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00699.x

Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Chesapeake Bay Region of Mid-Atlantic Coast of the USA: Challenges in Conservation and Restoration. Orth, R. J., S. R. Marion, K. A. Moore, and D. J. Wilcox. 2010. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 139-150.

Long-term reductions in anthropogenic nutrients link to improvements in Chesapeake Bay habitat. Ruhl, H. A. and N. B. Rybicki. 2010. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences.

An Introduction to a special issue on 2010 large-scale submerged aquatic vegetation restoration research in the Chesapeake Bay: 2003–2008. 2010. Shafer, D. and P. Bergstrom. Restoration Ecology 18: 481-489. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00689.x

Growing Zostera marina (eelgrass) from seeds in land-based culture systems for use in restoration projects. Tanner, C. E. and T. A. Parham. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 527-537.DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00693.x

Evaluating a large-scale eelgrass restoration project in the Chesapeake Bay. Tanner, C. E., S. Hunter, J. Reel, T. A. Parham, M. D. Naylor, L. P. Karrh, K. E. Busch, R. R. Golden, M. J. Lewandowski, N. Rybicki, and E. Schenk. 2010. Restoration Ecology 18: 538-548. DOI 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00694.x


Production and Field Planting of Vegetative Propagules for Restoration of Redhead Grass and Sago Pondweed in Chesapeake Bay. Murray, L., W. M. Kemp, D. Hindle, and D. Shafer, 2009. ERDC/TN SAV-09-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Evaluation of a mechanical seed planter for transplanting Zostera marina (eelgrass) seeds. Orth, R. J., S. R. Marion, S. Granger, and M. Traber. 2009. Aquatic Botany 90: 204-208.


The charisma of coastal ecosystems: addressing the imbalance. Duarte, C. M., W. C. Dennison, R. J. Orth, and T. J. B. Carruthers. 2008. Estuaries and Coasts 31:233-238.

Restoring eelgrass (Zostera marina) from seed: A comparison of planting methods for large scale projects. Orth, R. J., S. Marion, S. Granger, and M. Traber. 2008. SAV Technical Notes Collection (ERDC/TN SAV-87-1). Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.

Restoring (Zostera marina) from seed: A comparison of planting methods for large-scale projects. Orth, R. J., S. Marion, S. Granger, and M. Traber. 2008. ERDC/TN SAV-08-1. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Large-Scale Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration in Chesapeake Bay: Status Report, 2003-2006.Shafer, D. and P. Bergstrom. 2008.ERDC TR/SAV-08-20.U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Restoration Potential of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Tidal Pocomoke River (Chesapeake Bay, USA), Baldizar, J. and N. B. Rybicki. 2007. Ecological Restoration 25: 138-139.

Using seeds to propogate and restore Vallisneria americana Michaux (wild celery) in the Chesapeake Bay. Moore, K. A. and J. C. Jarvis. 2007. ERDC/TN SAV-07-03. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Innovative techniques for large-scale collection, processing, and storage of eelgrass (Zostera marina) seeds. Orth, R. J. and S. R. Marion. 2007. SAV Technical Notes Collection (ERDC/TN SAV-07-2). Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.


Eutrophication of Chesapeake Bay: historical trends and ecological interactions. Kemp, W. M. plus 17 authors. 2005. Marine Ecology Progress Series 303: 1-29.

A global crisis for seagrass ecosystems. Orth, R. J., T. J. B. Carruthers, W. C. Dennison, C. M. Duarte, J. W. Fourqurean, K. L. Heck, Jr., A. R. Hughes, G. A. Kendrick, W. J. Kenworthy, S. Olyarnik, F. T. Short, M. Waycott, and S. L. Williams. 2006. Bioscience 56: 987-996.

Seagrass recovery in the Delmarva Coastal Bays, USA. Orth, R. J., M. L. Luckenbach, S. R. Marion, K. A. Moore, D. J. Wilcox. 2006. Aquatic Botany 84: 26-36.

Exploring causes of a seagrass transplant failure in the Potomac River (Virginia), Schenk, E. R. and N. B. Rybicki. 2006. Ecological Restoration 24: 116-118.


Habitat requirements for submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Water quality, light regime, and physical-chemical factors. Kemp, W. M., R. Batuik, R. Bartleson, P. Bergstrom, V. Carter, G. Gallegos, W. Hunley, L. Karrh, E. Koch, J. Landwehr, K. Moore. L. Murray, M. Naylor, N. Rybicki, J. C. Stevenson, and D. Wilcox. 2004. Estuaries 27: 363-377.


Seed-density effects on germination and initial seedling establishment in Zostera marina in the Chesapeake Bay region. Orth, R. J., J. R. Fishman, M. C. Harwell, and S. R. Marion. 2003. Marine Ecology Progress Series 250 71-79.


Long-distance disperal potential in a marine macrophyte. Harwell, M. C. and R. J. Orth. 2002. Ecology 83: 3319-3330.

Impact of boat-generated waves on a seagrass habitat. Koch, E. W. 2002. Journal of Coastal Research SI 37: 66-74.

A perspective on two decades of policies and regulations influencing the protection and restoration of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Orth, R. J., R. A. Batiuk, P. W. Bergstrom, and K. A. Moore. 2002. Bulletin of Marine Science 71: 1391-1403.

Identification and management of fishing gear impacts in a recovering seagrass system in the coastal bays of the Delmarva peninsula, USA. Orth, R. J., J. R. Fishman, D. J. Wilcox, and K. A. Moore. 2002. Journal of Coastal Research SI 37: 111-129.


Calculating optical water quality targets to restore and protect submersed aquatic vegetation: overcoming problems in partitioning the diffuse attenuation coefficient for photosynthetically active radiation. Gallegos, C. L. 2001. Estuaries 24: 381-397.


Ecological dispersal mechanisms, reproductive ecology, and the importance of scale in Zostera marina in Chesapeake Bay. Harwell, M. C. Ph.D. College of William and Mary. 2000. 282 .


(Zostera marina L.) seed protection for field experiments and implications for large-scale restoration. Harwell, M. C. and R. J. Orth. 1999. Aquatic Botany 64: 51-61.

A rapid and simple method for transplanting using single, unanchored shoots. Orth, R. J., M. C. Harwell, and J. R. Fishman. 1999. Aquatic Botany 64: 77-85.


Genetic Diversity and Structure of Natural and Transplanted Populations in the Chesapeake and Chincoteague Bays. Williams, S. L. and R. J. Orth. 1998. Estuaries 21: 118-128.


Viability and growth of submersed macrophyte propagules from the Potomac River: Laboratory studies. McFarland, D. G. and J. W. Barko. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting Aquatic Plant Control Program, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 1995. 219-232.

Revegetation and propagule transport in the tidal Potomac River. Rybicki, N. B. and V. Carter. Proceedings of the 29th. Annual Meeting Aquatic Plant Control Program, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 1995. 201-218.


Invasions and declines of submersed macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River and Estuary, the Currituck Sound-Back Bay system and the Pamlico River Estuary. Carter, V. and N. B. Rybicki. 1994. Lake and Reservoir Management 10: 39-48.

Chesapeake Bay submersed aquatic vegetation: water quality relationships and restoration goals. Orth, R. J. 1994. Lake and Reservoir Management 10: 49-52.

Seed dispersal in a marine macrophyte: Implications for colonization and restoration. Orth, R. J., M. L. Luckenbach, and K. A. Moore. 1994. Ecology 75: 1927-1939.


Assessing water quality with submersed aquatic vegetation. Dennison, W. C., R. J. Orth, K. A. Moore, J. C. Stevenson, V. Carter, S. Kollar, P. Bergstrom, and R. A. Batiuk.1993. Bioscience 43: 86-94.

Habitat requirements of SAV in Chesapeake Bay based on water quality. Orth, R. J. In: L. J. Morris and D. A. Tomasko (eds.). Proceedings and conclusions of workshops on: submerged aquatic vegetation initiative and photosynthetically active radiation. Special Publication SJ93-SP13.Palatka, Florida: St. Johns River Water Management District. 1993. 67-76.


Submerged aquatic vegetation habitat requirements and restoration goals: a Technical Synthesis. Batiuk, R., R. J. Orth, K. Moore, P. Heasley, W. Dennison, J. C. Stevenson, L. Staver, V. Carter, N. Rybicki, S. Kollar, R. E. Hickman, and S. Bieber. U.S. EPA Final Report. CBP/TRS 83/92. 1992.

Chesapeake Executive Council. 1992. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration Goals. Annapolis, MD.


Development of water quality standards based on species' habitat requirements: A case study from the Chesapeake Bay using submerged aquatic vegetation. Orth, R. J., K. Moore, R. Batiuk, P. Heasley, W. Dennison, J. C. Stevenson, L. Staver, V. Carter, N. Rybicki, S. Kollar, R. E. Hickman and S. Bieber. In: G. H. Flock (ed.). Proceedings 2nd Annual Water Quality Standards Conference for the 21st Century. Arlington, VA December, 1991. 1991. 177-182.


Monitoring seagrass distribution and abundance patterns: A case study from the Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J., K. A. Moore, and J. F. Nowak. In: S. J. Kiraly, F. A. Cross, and J. D. Buffington (eds.). Federal Coastal Wetland Maing Programs. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biology Report 90 (18). 1990. 174 .


Submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay: A barometer of bay health. Orth, R. J. and K. A. Moore. In: Lynch, M. P., J. A. Mihursky and E. K. Krome (eds). Understanding the Estuary: Advances in Chesapeake Bay Research. Proc. Conf. Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc. Publ. No.129, Gloucester Point, VA. 1988. 619-629.


Chesapeake Executive Council. 1987. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration Goals. Annapolis, MD.


The effects of grazers and light penetration on the survival of transplants of Vallisneria americana Michx in the tidal Potomac River, Maryland. Carter, V. and N. Rybicki. 1986. Aquatic Botany 23: 197-213.


Economic losses association with the degradation of an ecosystem: The case of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay. Kahn, J. R. and W. M. Kemp. 1985. Journal of Economic and Environmental Management 12: 246-263.

SAV reestablishment results. Upper Chesapeake Bay. Kollar, S. A. In: Coastal Zone '85. Proceedings of the Fourth Symosium on Coastal and Ocean Management. 1985. 759-777.

Submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay: value, trends and management. Orth, R. J. In: H. Groman, E. Meyers, D. Burke and J. Kusler (eds.). Wetlands Conference on the Chesapeake Bay. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D. C. 1985. 84-95.


Seagrass communities as a coastal resource. Kemp, W. M. 1983. Marine Technical Society Journal 17: 3-5.

The decline of submerged vascular plants in upper Chesapeake Bay: Summary of results concerning possible causes. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton, J. C. Stevenson, R. R. Twilley, and J. C. Means. 1983. Marine Technical Society Journal 17: 78-89.


The decline of submerged macrophyte systems in Chesapeake Bay: Modeling the eco/energetic and socio/economic implications. Boynton, W. R., W. M. Kemp, A. Hermann, J. Kahn, T. Schueler, S. Bollinger, S. Longergan, and J. Zucchetto. In: W. Mitsch, R. Bosserman, J. Kloatik (eds.). Energy and ecololgical modeling. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 1982. 441-454.


An analysis of energetic and economic values associated with the decline of submerged macrophytic communities in Chesapeake Bay. Boynton, W. R., W. M. Kemp, A. J. Hermann, J. R. Kahn, T. R. Schueler, S. Bollinger, S. C. Lonergan, J. C. Stevenson, R. Twilley, K. Staver and J. J. Zucchetto. In: W. J. Mitsch, R. W. Bosserman and J. M. Klopatek, eds. Energy and ecological modeling. Developments in Environmental Modeling. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam. 1981. 441-454.


Summary of available information on Chesapeake Bay submerged aquatic vegetation. Stevenson, J. C. and N. M. Confer, Eds. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Services Program FWS/OBS - 78/66, Washington, D. C. 1978. 335 pp.

Masters Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations


An examination of potential conflict between SAV and hard clam aquaculture in the Lower Chesapeake Bay. Woods, H. M.S. Thesis. College of William and Mary. 2001. 131 pp.


The effects of hydraulic clam dredging on nearshore turbidity and light attenuation in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Ruffin, K. K. Masters Thesis. University of Maryland. 1995. 92 pp.


The economic damages resulting from the deleption of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay. Kahn, J.R. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland, College Park. 1981.



6. Coastal Bays (Maryland and Virginia)

Published Papers and Reports


The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, industry collapse in Virginia and its implications for the successful seagrass-scallop management. Oreska, M. P., B. Truitt, R. J. Orth, and M. W. Luckenbach. 2017.Marine Policy. 75:116-124.

Actively restored ecosystems as a refuge for biological diversity: A case study from eelgrass (Zostera marina L.). Lefcheck, J. S., S. R. Marion, and R. J. Orth. 2017. Estuaries and Coasts 40: 200-212. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-016-0141-x


Ecosystem services returned through restoration. Reynolds, L. K., M. Waycott, K. J. McGlathery, R. J. Orth. 2016. Restoration Ecology 24:583-588. doi: 10.1111/rec.12360.

Predator-prey Interactions in a Restored Eelgrass Ecosystem: Strategies for Maximizing Success of a Reintroduced Species, Argopecten irradians. Schmitt, E. L., M. W. Luckenbach, J. S. Lefcheck, and R. J. Orth. 2016. Restoration Ecology 24:558-565. doi: 10.1111/rec.12353 Supporting information at:

Sources of sediment carbon sequestered in restored seagrass meadows.Greiner, J.T., G.M. Wilkinson, K.J. McGlathery, and K.A. Emery. 2016. Marine Ecology Progress Series 551:95-105.


The roles of dispersal and predation in determining seedling recruitment patterns in a foundational marine angiosperm. Manley, S. R., R. J. Orth, and L. Ruiz-Montoya. 2015. Marine Ecology Progress Series 533:109-120. doi:10.3354/meps11363.


Epifaunal invertebrates as predators of juvenile bay scallops (Argopecten irradians). Lefcheck, J. S., J. van Montfrans, R. J. Orth, E. L. Schmitt, J. E. Duffy, and M. W. Luckenbach. 2014. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology 454: 18-25.

Trends in abundance indices of fishes in Maryland's coastal bays during 1972–2009. Pincin, J., Wilberg, M.J., L. Harris, and A. Wiley. Estuaries and Coasts. 2014. 37: 791. doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9735-8

Multiple timescale processes drive ecosystem metabolism in eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows. Rheuban, J.E., P. Berg, and K.J. McGlathery. 2014. Marine Ecology Progress Series 507:1-13.

Eutrophication of a Maryland/Virginia coastal lagoon: a tipping point, ecosystem changes, and potential causes. Glibert, P.M., D.C.Hinkle, B.Sturgis, and R. V. Jesien. Estuaries and Coasts (2014) 37(Suppl 1): 128. doi:10.1007/s12237-013-9630-3


Restoration recovers population structure and landscape genetic connectivity in a dispersal-limited ecosystem. Reynolds, L. K., M. Waycott, and K. J. McGlathery. 2013. J Ecol, 101: 1288–1297. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12116


Seasonal Growth and Senescence of a Zostera marina seagrass meadow alters wave-dominated flow and sediment suspension within a Coastal Bay. 2012. Estuaries and Coasts 36-1099-1114. DOI 1007/s12237-013-9620-5.

Eelgrass recovery in the coastal bays of the Virginia Coast Reserve, USA. Orth, R. J. and K. J. McGlathery. 2012. Marine Ecology Series 448: 173-176 DOI: 10: 3354/meps 09596

Eelgrass survival in two contrasting systems: role of turbidity and summer water temperatures. Moore, K. A., E. C. Shields, D .B. Parrish, and R. J. Orth. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448:247-258. DOI: 10.3354/meps09578

Eelgrass restoration by seed maintains genetic diversity: case study from a coastal bay system. Reynolds, L. K., M. Waycott, K. J. McGlathery, R. J. Orth, and J. C. Zieman. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448:223-233. DOI: 10.3354/meps09386

Genetic diversity enhances restoration success by augmenting services. Reynolds, L . K., K. J. McGlathery, and M. Waycott. 2012. PloS ONE. 7: 1-7.

Seed addition facilitates eelgrass recovery in a coastal bay system. Orth, R. J., K. A. Moore S. R. Marion, D. J. Wilcox, and D. B. Parrish. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 177-195. DOI: 10.3354/meps09522

Seedling establishment in eelgrass: seed burial effects on winter losses of developing seedlings. Marion, S. R. and R. J. Orth. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 197-207. DOI: 10.3354/meps09612.

Recovery trajectories during state changes from bare sediment to eelgrass dominance. McGlathery, K. J., L. K. Reynolds, L. W. Cole, R. J. Orth, S. R. Marion, and A. Schwarzschild. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 209-221. DOI: 10.3354/meps09574.

Nitrogen fixation in restored eelgrass meadows. Cole, L. W. and K. J. McGlathery. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 448: 235-246 DOI: 10.3354/meps09512.

Enhancement of sediment susension and nutrient flux by benthic macrophytes at low biomass. Lawson, S.E., K. J. McGlathery, and P. L. Wiberg. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 259-270 DOI: 10.3354/meps09579.

Wave and tidally driven flows in eelgrass beds and their effect on sediment suspension. Hansen, J. C. R., M. A. Reidenbach. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 271-287 DOI: 10.3354/meps09225.

Modeling the effects of climate change on eelgrass stability and resilience: future scenarios and leading indicators of collapse. Carr, J. A., P. D'Odorico, K. J. McGlathery, and P. L. Wiberg. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448: 289-301 DOI: 10.3354/meps09556.


2010 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. 2011. Orth, R.J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. Nagey, A. L. Owens, and A. K. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 153. Final Report to EPA. Grant No. CB97392801-0,

Dissolved oxygen fluxes and ecosystem metabolism in an eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadow measured with the eddy correlation technique. 2011. Hume, A. C. , P. Berg, and K. J. McGlathery. Limnology and Oceanography 56: 86-96.


Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Chesapeake Bay Region of Mid-Atlantic Coast of the USA: Challenges in Conservation and Restoration. Orth, R. J., S. R. Marion, K. A. Moore, and D. J. Wilcox. 2010. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 139-150.

2009 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. 2010. Orth, R.J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, and A. K. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 152. Final Report to EPA. Grant No. CB97377401-0,


Effects of sediment organic content and hydrodynamic conditions on the growth and distribution of Zostera marina. 2009. Wicks, C. E., E. W. Koch, J. M. O'Neil, and K. Elliston. Marine Ecology Progress Series 378: 71-80.

2008 Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays. 2009. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. S. Nagey, A. Owens, and A. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 149. Final Report to EPA. Grant No. CB973636-01-0,


2007 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, L. Nagey, A. L. Owens, and A. K. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 151. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No. CB973219-01-0, 2008.


2006 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Kenne. 2007. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 150. Final Report to NOAA, Washington, D.C. Grant No. NA06NMF4570118.

Spatial characterization of environmental gradients in a coastal lagoon system, Chincoteague Bay. Allen, T. R., H. T. Tolvanen, G. F. Oertel, and G. M. McLeod. 2007. Estuaries and Coasts 30: 959-977.

Eutrophication in shallow coastal bays and lagoons: the role of plants in the coastal filer. McGlathery, K. J., K. Sundb, and I. C. Anderson. 2007. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 348: 1-18.

Effects of sediment organic content and hydrodynamic conditions on the growth and distribution of Zostera marina. 2009. Wicks, C. E., E. W. Koch, J. M. O'Neil, and K. Elliston. Marine Ecology Progress Series 378: 71-80.

Linking water quality to living resources in a mid-Atlantic lagoon system, USA. Wazniak, C. E., M. R. Hall, T. J. B. Carruthers, B. Sturgis, W. C. Dennison, and R. J. Orth. 2007. Ecological Applications 17: S64-S78.


2005 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 147. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No. CB973219-01-0, 2006.

SeagrassNet monitoring across the Americas: case studies of seagrass decline. Short, F. T., E. W. Koch, J. C. Creed, K. Magalhaes, E. Fernandez, and J. L. Gaeckle. Marine Ecology. 2006. 27: 277-289.

Seagrass recovery in the Delmarva Coastal Bays, USA. Orth, R. J., M. L. Luckenbach, S. R. Marion, K. A. Moore, and D. J. Wilcox. 2006. Aquatic Botany 84: 26-36.


2004 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Kenne. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 146. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No. CB9973013-01-0, 2005.

State of the Maryland Coastal Bays. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Coastal Bay Program, and University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Integration, and Application Network, Annapolis, Maryland. Wazniak, C., M. Hall, C. Cain, D. Wilson, R. Jesien, J. Thomas, C. Carruthers, and W. Dennison. 2004. (, August 17, 2005).


2003 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Serio. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 144. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No. CB983807-01-0, 2004.


The seagrasses of the Mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. Koch, E.W. and R. J. Orth. 2003. 234-243. In: E .P. Green and F. T. Short (eds.). World Atlas of Seagrasses. University of California Press, Berkley, California.

Seed-density effects on germination and initial seedling establishment in Zostera marina in the Chesapeake Bay region. Orth, R. J., J. R. Fishman, M. C. Harwell, and S. R. Marion. 2003. Marine Ecology Progress Series 250: 71-79.

2002 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Owens, J. R. Whiting, and A. Serio. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 139. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No.CB983649-01-0, 2003.


Long-distance dispersal potential in a marine macrophyte. Harwell, M. C. and R. J. Orth. 2002. Ecology 83: 3319-3330.

2001 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, A. L. Tillman, and J. R. Whiting. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 143. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No.CB993777-04-0, 2002.


2000 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, J. R. Whiting, and J. R. Fishman. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 142. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No.CB993777-02-0, 2001.


1999 Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal bays. Orth, R. J., D. J. Wilcox, L. S. Nagey, J. R. Whiting, and J. R. Fishman. VIMS Special Scientific Report Number 141. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD. Grant No.CB993777-02-0, 2000.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and the coastal bays - 1998. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. Final Report U. S. EPA. 1999. 370 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1997. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. Final Report U. S. EPA. 1998. 351 pp.

Genetic diversity and structure of natural and transplanted populations in the Chesapeake and Chincoteague Bays. Williams, S. L. and R. J. Orth. 1998. Estuaries 21: 118-128.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1996. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1997. 299 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1995. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1996. 293 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1994. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, D. J. Wilcox, J. R. Whiting, and L. S. Nagey. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1995. 290 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1993. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, and J. R. Whiting. Final Report U.S. EPA 1994. 262 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1992. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, and J. R. Whiting. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1993. 268 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1991. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, G. F. Anderson, K. P. Kiley, and J. R. Whiting. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1992. 260 pp.


Distribution and abundance of waterfowl and submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay. Munro, R. E. and M. C. Perry. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS 78/DX0391. 1991.

Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1990. Orth, R. J., J. F. Nowak, A. A. Frisch, K. P. Kiley, and J. R. Whiting. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1991. 260 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1989. Orth, R. J. and J. F. Nowak. Final Report U.S. EPA. 1990. 249 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1987. Orth, R. J., A. A. Frisch, J. F. Nowak and K. A. Moore. Final Report. U.S. E.P.A. 1989. 247 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries and Chincoteague Bay - 1986. Orth, R. J., J. Simons, J. Capelli, V. Carter, A. Frisch, L. Hindman, S. Hodges, K. Moore and N. Rybicki. Final Report. U.S. E.P.A. 1987. 191 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries - 1985. Orth, R. J., J. Simons, J. Capelli, V. Carter, L. Hindman, S. Hodges, K. Moore and N. Rybicki. Final Report. U.S. E.P.A. 1986. 305 pp.


Distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries - 1984. Orth, R. J., J. Simons, R. Allaire, V. Carter, L. Hindman, K. Moore and N. Rybicki. Final Report. U.S. E.P.A. 1985. 155 pp.


Benthic infauna of Zostera marina, beds. Orth, R. J. 1973. Chesapeake Science 14: 258-269.


Fishes of Isle of Wight and Assawoman Bays near Ocean City, Maryland. Schwartz, F. J. 1964. Chesapeake Science 5: 172-193.


Abundance of the hard clam mercenaria mercenaira in relation to environmental factors. Wells, H. W. 1957. Ecology 38: 123-128.

Masters Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations


The effect of sea level rise on seagrasses: Is sediment adjacent to retreating marshes suitable for seagrass growth? Wicks, E. C. MS Thesis. University of Maryland. College Park, Maryland. 2005.


Benthic infauna of Zostera marina beds. Orth, R. J. M.S. Thesis. University of Virginia. 1971. 79 pp.



7. Reference Books Related to SAV Monitoring


Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern United States: Dicotyledons. Godfrey, R. K. and J. W. Wooten. 1981. The University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA. 933 pp.

Atlas of the Virginia Flora: Part II, Dicotyledons. Harvill, A. M., T. R. Bradley, and C. E. Stevens. 1981. Virginia Botanical Associates, Farmville, VA. 148 pp.

Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation for Resource Management. Paine, David P. 1981. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York City, NY. 571 pp.


A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada and Greenland: Volume II, The Biota of North America. Kartesz, J. T. and R. Kartesz. 1980. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC. 498 pp.


Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southeastern United States: Monocotyledons. Godfrey, R. K. and J. W. Wooten. 1979. The University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA. 712 pp.

The Marine Algae of Virginia. Humm, Harold J. 1979. Special Papers in Marine Science, Number 3, Virginia Institute of Marine Science. The University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 263 pp.


Summary of Available Information on Chesapeake Bay Submerged Vegetation. Stevenson, J. C. and N. Confer. 1978. U.S. Dept. of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/0BS-78/66. 335 pp.


Atlas of the Virginia Flora: Part I, Pteridophytes through Monocotyledons. Harvill, A. M., C. E. Stevens, and D. M. E. Ware. 1977. Virginia Botanical Associates, Farmville, VA. 59 pp.


Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell. 1968. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, NC. 1183 pp.


A Revision of the Characeae: Volume II, Iconograph of the Characeae. Wood, R. D. and K. Imarhori. 1964. Verlag Von J. Cramer, Weinheim, Germany. 395 icones with index.


A Revision of the Characeae: Volume I, Monograph of the Characeae. Wood, R. D. and K. Imahori. 1965. Verlag Von J. Cramer, Weinheim, Germany. 904 pp.